MMO Ideas.


Frequent Poster
Ok so Me, Zero, Beta, JD, Grossaffe, and a few other people (Sorry for not remembering your names) were discussing ideas for an MMO.

Here are the ideas I wrote down:

Basic Premise:
Cowboy Bebop-Like.

You are a bounty hunter.
You find and hunt people down for profit.
You hunt CPU Players and Real Players.

You can get Vehicles and houses.

There are many planets you can travel to.

You cannot kill other players in cities unless that player has a bounty on their head. However there are areas in which you can.

There is also an Arena, in which High-Profile criminals fight. If the criminal wins, they go free.
If they lose, they die and go right back to prison.

Laws, Bounty, Crimes:

There are laws in the world.

You break a law, you get a bounty on your head.

If you have a bounty on you, people will hunt you down and attempt to kill you.

You can be killed at anypoint and anywhere if you have a bounty on you.

There is nothing on you that indicates you have a bounty on you, the only way people know is if they see a wanted poster/wanted TV program.

The more crimes you commit, the more you are worth.

If you commit a crime and are killed there are consequences. You may lose your house/vehicle/money.

These are the crimes you can commit:
1. Theft: you can pickpocket/steal from banks/steal from stores. The more you steal the higher risk of getting caught. Also if you steal from a powerful person (President, Goverment workers) you run a real high chance of getting caught.

2. Killing NPCs. You can kill NPCs anywhere. You can kill any NPC. The more High-Profile an NPC the harder to kill and the easier to get caught. You can kill real players but only in certain areas.

3. Trespassing. Going in restricted areas.

Different Nations have Different Police forces.
If you have a bounty in one place, it doesnt mean you have one in another.

Private companies can also call a bounty.

There are cities which are run by Crime Lords.
If you have a big enough bounty on your head, a Crime Boss may contact you and ask you to do something for him.
If you complete this misson, he may remove the bounty on your head.

If you are caught by police, you are sent to prison. You can either try to escape ot just serve your time.

The type of prison you go to depends on the crime or amount of bounty.

If you are in prison, these are your options:
1. Wait and Work/Play Side games in prison.
2. Pay Bail
3. Escape
4. If you have a corrupt gaurd, he may let you out if you do something for him.
5. High-Bribes may convince a gaurd to let you out.

A Bounty Hunter has two options for a target:
1. Kill His Target
2. Weaken and Subdue his target.

Option 2 rewards more generally.
There are certain jobs which require you to do one or the other.

Fighting System:
Fighting takes place in a number of ways:
1. First-Person or Third-Person for Guns.
2. Third-Person for Blades.
3. It is not "Click to attack". You must aim and be close enough to attack.
4. Walking is done not by clicking where you want to go, but by arrow keys/WSAD.

There are no Levels Per Se. You have skills that increase. You can only do certain Jobs with certain skill levels.

There are major skills and Minor skills.

Major Skills: Strength, Speed, Defense, Accuracy...Ect.
Minor Skills: Other stuff that isnt really needed...

But all skills must stay at a certain ratio. Meaning you cannot just have Awesome Speed and Attack, but low everything else. If one gets too high, then it will be harder to level up that skill.

Skills increase by performing actions that use that skill.

Skills decrease over time if you do not use them. (This only affects online players, skills do not decrease if you are offline)

Respawning, Sever Specific Things, and Others:

When you are killed, you are sent to a hospital.
You may be sent to special areas depending on your faction.

When an NPC dies, another one will be randomly generated to replace it.

If a High-Profile NPC (President ect.) is killed, another one is elected (Generated). This only affects the server it happens on. This means each server will be like a different reality.

There are also Wars that can occur. Nations can be destroyed, gain more power, or other things. Players can assist in this war if they so please.

Nations can also claim certain areas of land. This means that in one server a nation could be in one place, and in the other it may be in a different spot.

Major Cities (The Arena, Central City) will always be in the same place, and will remain neutral.

High-Profile People (President, Other High Ranking Officials) are insanely hard to kill. They are heavily guarded and you will most likely fail and be killed.

You have different characters for each server. You cannot bring a character from one server to another.

These are the Generally accepted ideas for this MMO.

My Ideas:
Possibly a Weapons Creation system. Where there are parts that you can make weapons and stuff out of. This would have to be pretty in-depth.
Like if you have a set of parts you can make a bunch of different things out of it.

Real Estate:
Maybe there could be some sort of real estate system set up. You could buy land and use it for anything from a House to a Guild base. You could even use this land to farm.
Also, you could possibly buy Land even underwater.

User Made Guilds:
They could have bases if they have enough members.

User-Run Stores:
Users could open up stores where they own land.

In-Depth Building system:
Users could build Buildings however they want, as long as its in their own land and it follows City Regulations.

Event System:
Natural Disasters could happen, Your house could be burned down, or even you could catch a disease.

I want to know your ideas!

Ideas? Opinions? Comments? Objections?
I really like how this idea has developed. I could definitely see myself playing this game. Imo, this is what a real mmo should be like. :D

We also need somebody with mad video editing skillz to make a trailer once all the details are perfected so the idea can be pitched out to people.
there should be a chewy cae bear world, whee the highest ranked officer is sir hug alot

hatman should be a high ranked npc

and the best weapon should be a SSGLUEGUN
Also just so everyone knows:

We are very serious about this idea.
I plan on pitching the idea to various companies.
I haz mad video editing skillz! :awesome:
Not really, but i know how to use Adobe After effects kinda well, and i can use other editing programs as well.
Once I replace one of the power filtering caps in my emac and get it running again, I have mad FinalCut pro editing skillz.
Everything can be bought. EVERYTHING. You can buy stores, prisons, and even whole governments. If you buy a store in an area and there is not another nearby, an NPC will purchase a lot and construct one. This prevents monopolies. You (Probably a whole guild) can purchase a gov't-contracted prison, so that that all guild members and allies who get sent there "slip through the bars." Of course if this happens too much, the gov't might catch on and stage a takeover. When purchasing a gov't, you (guild) have control over laws and military forces (NPC) of that area. Governments take INSANE amounts of money and time to pay off all of the right people and take control, especially if multiple factions are attempting at once.

Like it? :D
Love the weapon creation system idea. Absolutely awesome. Actually, the whole thing is pretty cool.

But here's the question: who's going to make it and how are you going to make it?
XCVG said:
Love the weapon creation system idea. Absolutely awesome. Actually, the whole thing is pretty cool.

But here's the question: who's going to make it and how are you going to make it?


And we are going to pitch the idea to a few companies/Developers/Indie Developers.
We are not making it, just coming up with the idea.
What do you have to keep them from just taking the idea? You don't have any copyrights, and all the game mechanics are things that have been done (not put together, but done) in other games.
It's intellectual property. It can't be used without the creator's consent.
Wikipedia said:
Intellectual property (IP) is a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.
Personally, I would just like to see the game made. Royalties or free lifetime membership or something for anybody who helped think of ideas would just be icing on the cake.
βeta said:
It's intellectual property. It can't be used without the creator's consent.
Wikipedia said:
Intellectual property (IP) is a number of distinct types of legal monopolies over creations of the mind, both artistic and commercial, and the corresponding fields of law.[1] Under intellectual property law, owners are granted certain exclusive rights to a variety of intangible assets, such as musical, literary, and artistic works; ideas, discoveries and inventions; and words, phrases, symbols, and designs. Common types of intellectual property include copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial design rights and trade secrets in some jurisdictions.

Well they better copyright this then. ;)

The thing is, most game studios already have a game concept staff, and to be honest, it is one of the easiest things to do when making a game. Besides, most of the time, the people in charge want to make a game based on what THEY think would be awesome, not what other people do. ;) Besides, a lot of this ambitious stuff would be cool, but the reason other MMOs do not have it is because it just does not work on a large scale.
To get people to make your ideas you have to pay them, however if you find someone with a common goal, you will find that things generally go better.

You should be able to shoot anyone, but if you're wrongly shot, you go to a hospital or something, and the person that shot you goes to jail. You can't deliberately get in front of someone shooting at someone with a bounty though. If someone targets someone with a bounty in a crowded area, they risk hitting an innocent person. This would make people who have bounties on their heads just try to blend into the crowd, or use human shields. Just like real criminals. :D
kylechu said:
You should be able to shoot anyone, but if you're wrongly shot, you go to a hospital or something, and the person that shot you goes to jail. You can't deliberately get in front of someone shooting at someone with a bounty though. If someone targets someone with a bounty in a crowded area, they risk hitting an innocent person. This would make people who have bounties on their heads just try to blend into the crowd, or use human shields. Just like real criminals. :D

Actually that is kind of the point.
We don't want people to just go around randomly shooting people.
If you shoot an innocent person (NPC) Then you get a bounty on your head.