Mini64 Nintendo 64 Portable


Active Member
Me and a mate have just finished putting together this portable. So we decided to make a p!ss take video of the Nintendo 3DS UK advert.

Anyway, check it out for a laugh!

I like all of your portables they set expectations for the next ones and this one meets those expectations, good job. Very clean case and nice size, nice video too.
ENTER, the most commercially viable N64P!

Well done, my British Clarky guy friend person.
great video!

I will say I HATE how thick it is in this day and age, but you still did a great job with it ;)
Thanks guys!

We only really threw the video together for a laugh. I will be doing a full video of the portable in the next couple of days.

Seriously though, its not that thick! its only slightly thicker than the TriSixtyFource. Dispite it being thicker, its actually slightly smaller width and height wise to the trisixtyfource also.

Other than the 64boy and trisixtyfource I don't see any other N64p smaller. Current projects that aim to be smaller than all of the above don't count as they have yet to be completed.

Sorry to rant but it annoys me when people question its size when its basically the same size as the two portables mentioned above.

Anyway, thanks again guys.
Didn't mean to annoy you Clarky. Just from the video it appears to be about 2" thick. To me, thats incredibly thick, but hey, its still beautiful and if it has batteries then that's more than I've ever been able to do. So good work!
Brilliant work, Clarky! I think you would normally have gotten more comments, too bad you posted this right as the school year starts and our traffic plummets. :p You make hella clean portables.
Thanks guys! I really appreciate the nice comments. Thats what excels me to make the next portable better than the last.