Mini N64 Boxes, Something You Would Use?


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What's shown above was a mere first test, so the quality is, meh. However, I'd like to make a bunch of printable ones for you guys to use, as many as I can, and for as many games as I can. I'd just like to know if it's something you would use, so I don't go making a bunch of these and then have no one use them. :P
It's a great way to store N64 games, and they seriously take 5 minutes to make. The cartridge fits snug inside, but manuals don't fit without folding, and they print on normal letter sized paper. To print a full scale box, you'd need a printer that takes large paper, or to print it in like 3 parts, so this is quicker and easier.
I would LOVE this. I have no boxes/cases for my games. ;_; Plus this is just neat in general.
Nifty. Probably wouldn't use them to store games, but they would look cool on a shelf. Where did you get the scan? All the ones I've found are just the front, bottom, and back. Top could be made using the bottom, but then there's still the sides/flaps.
vskid3 said:
Where did you get the scan?
Actually, I got them from a website, but I only used the side flaps, because they only have PAL boxes.
They can be found here.
I then used the inserts from The Cover Project to supply the NTSC box art.



Here's what I made so far. Is anyone willing to test a few out for me? I can send you a box, you just need to print it out.

What I use to do this is label stock, and a thin piece of cardboard. I print out the box, and stick it onto the cardboard. Then, you cut it out, fold it up, and lightly glue 3 spots to hold the box in place.
I like the look of them and I would definitely be interested in them. Unfortunately the colour isn't particularly good is it because of your camera.
Very cool.

My guess is you're using an ink jet for this though. You should see if you know anyone with a good laser printer, or if a small printing shop will do it for you.
Yeah, I didn't want to spend any money or have to use other resources until I made some final decisions and box changes.
My local UPS store would be able to print them out for ~$1 a sheet on card stock. They have quite nice quality prints.

This is a pretty cool project that I can see myself using.