Well-Known Member
I made a tiny GameCube that is basically a regular console but without the less-used features. I made it with some time on my hands using a spare case and spare parts:
It consists of a trimmed heatsink, a trimmed DOL-001 motherboard, original regulator, composite and S-video out, 4 player ports and memory card slots A and B, and a genuine Wiikey Fusion, all inside an SL-68 from polycase. It's all done by hand and not painted, thus it is pretty ugly in places.
I didn't think the Wiikey worked anymore since I trashed it years ago, but I was able to tidy it up and solder it directly, which I've never done before:
I totally messed up the area around the power button. I didn't have the right drill bit for that or the controller ports so I had to think of alternatives, and neither went very well. At least it works as intended. I'm considering selling it if anyone doesn't mind the ugly or the chance of hot glue bonds failing inside.

It consists of a trimmed heatsink, a trimmed DOL-001 motherboard, original regulator, composite and S-video out, 4 player ports and memory card slots A and B, and a genuine Wiikey Fusion, all inside an SL-68 from polycase. It's all done by hand and not painted, thus it is pretty ugly in places.
I didn't think the Wiikey worked anymore since I trashed it years ago, but I was able to tidy it up and solder it directly, which I've never done before:

I totally messed up the area around the power button. I didn't have the right drill bit for that or the controller ports so I had to think of alternatives, and neither went very well. At least it works as intended. I'm considering selling it if anyone doesn't mind the ugly or the chance of hot glue bonds failing inside.