Midwest Gaming Classic 2015


Active Member
Update: 2015 show is a go. April 11th & 12th, 2015 in Brookfield, Wisconsin (Minutes away from Downtown Milwaukee) More Info here:
(Last Years Show Info)
April 12th & 13th, 2014 in Brookfield, Wisconsin (Minutes away from Downtown Milwaukee)


Imagine a normal hotel filled to capacity with everything Video Game related. Hundreds of Pinball and Arcade Machines on Free Play, just about every console ever released set up for display, tournaments, LAN matches, cosplay, live gaming podcasts, guest speakers and presentations, and a huge vendor area. That is the Midwest Gaming Classic!

As usual, we'll have some Event space available to show off portables, have completed builds set up to play, live mods and diy kits, a current projects work area, console repair, and more. Everyone from Modretro is welcome to stop by and work on their projects, or show off their completed ones. Bring your own parts and tools, as while we'll probably have some extras around for use, they might not be available at any given time. I don't post here often enough to have the audacity to suggest sending portables to us to show for you, but if someone you know/trust from the forums is going, space will be available to do so, and our event space is secure and monitored at all times.

Other Show Events of note, that are relevant to our modding interests:
Ben Heckendorn will be there with his latest Pinball machine America's Most Haunted, and probably a console laptop of some sort
Marshallh will be there with the 64drive and an early revision of the VGA/DVI/HDMI N64 Adapter
Hyperkin showing off their newest all in one console the Retron 5
Trying to get Palmer to come but it doesn't look like a possibility this year :(

It really is a giant nerd-party from Friday afternoon all the way through until Sunday. Hopefully some MR guys will make the trek this year. It's good enough for Bentomo, why not you?™ ಠ_ಠ
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

I'll definitely be attending. I actually have for the last ~6 years, but I haven't been active in the community at all, or even really stop and talk in the benheck room that often. Actually Wallydawg, I believe you were the one I brought an old CPU heatsink to use for your NESp awhile back haha. Anyways, I hope to see a lot of people there!
Re: Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

chocoboy said:
I'll definitely be attending. I actually have for the last ~6 years, but I haven't been active in the community at all, or even really stop and talk in the benheck room that often. Actually Wallydawg, I believe you were the one I brought an old CPU heatsink to use for your NESp awhile back haha. Anyways, I hope to see a lot of people there!

MGC 09! I finally quenched my my thirst recently from those awful doughnuts we had in our area that year. Still haven't finished that NESp either lol but we'll have some other stuff to check out and play for sure. Make sure to say hi when you stop by.

Depending on the hotels internet connection we'll probably do some livestreams too for those who cannot attend.
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

I've always wanted to go since back in the old days, but I live way across the country.
Re: Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

wallydawg said:
MGC 09! I finally quenched my my thirst recently from those awful doughnuts we had in our area that year. Still haven't finished that NESp either lol but we'll have some other stuff to check out and play for sure. Make sure to say hi when you stop by.
Hahah yes, that was it! I believe it was a heatsink from an old 486, so don't let that go to waste and finish your NESp :P

I'm a pretty shy guy, and will definitely be spending a lot of time at the Vendor Hall, but I'll stop by and try and talk for awhile. I was only planning on going to the show on Saturday, but I'll be in the area Friday night if the group has plans for that night.

Oh, and was anyone looking for specific games, consoles, parts, etc? If I have an extra, or am willing to sell any, I'll bring stuff down. I know I'll have a Vita for sale if anyone is interested.

Otherwise, see you guys saturday!
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014


Played rock band with Ben Heckendorn, who also got drunk and sang Dancing Queen at Friday Night Karaoke.

Trying to tweet a lot tomorrow (www.twitter.com/portablesofdoom) and the internet seems decent so maybe a livestream.
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

I mean, that looks like a great deal, but there's also the whole $600 bill for going in the first place that kinda ruins it.
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

Not that you would have driven there, paid admission, bought the xboxen and went straight home, though. ;)

Now that I'm fully recovered from "Con Plague" I have some show recap things to get up that I'll also post here. Broke the cardinal sin of filming a video in Portrait so I'll probably just convert those into pictures.
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

That's exactly what I would have done.
Social situations are boring. I prefer to huddle up in bed with BoFoSho and SS, and "wait for the next day to come."

Honestly, though. It's not a lack of wanting to go, it's more of a "I don't have money to throw at this problem right now..."

Also, portrait video? You monster.
Re: Midwest Gaming Classic 2014

Bump, things are a go for MGC 2015 Event Space at this year's Midwest Gaming Classic, April 11-12 in Brookfield Wisconsin, for those in the Midwestern Area. We'll be fixing consoles, 3D Printing small items to give away, showing off portables and mods, and playing games all weekend. If you attend and have a portable or mod to show off you are more than welcome to hang out in the room and show it off. You should come by and more than double the MR attending contingent.

Notable 2014 moments:
Ben Heckendorn was there with Spooky Pinball demoing his mass produced America's Most Haunted pinball machine and a few other mods from the Benheck Show, such as a Rasberry Pi laptop and the Neogeo Bartop Arcade.
Hyperkin was there showing off the then-not-released Retron 5. People kept shoving all the ports with games, bricking the system (a bug that I think is fixed now), but they wouldn't let us take it apart and fix even though the modding community is a large part of why they even exist as a company. ;)
At least 100 arcade and pinball machines each set up for free play.
Nearly every console in existence set up to display and play. Yes, even a Steel Battalion Mech Rig. Even an Apple Pippin. Even a Super A'can.
Nearly every square inch of the hotel's first floor and basement filled to capacity with games and consoles from every genre.
So much stuff inside the hotel that a "temporary structure" (I got a stern lecture for calling it a tent :p) was erected in the parking lot for the vendor hall. It rained pretty hard on Saturday
Night and it sounded pretty scary while inside, actually.

Notable 2015 moments:
Holy *Can'tSayThisOnTV*,
I just realized that my recent move to Chicago totally puts me close enough to this that I could like, go.

It's super easy to get there from Chicago, like less than 5 roads. I think one dude from Atariage even takes a quick bus ride but hopefully it doesn't come to that. The Event is at the Sheraton Milwaukee Brookfield Hotel on 375 South Moorland Road, Brookfield, WI 53005, about 90 minutes from Chicagoland. Tickets are $40 for the whole weekend, seems steep in hindsight but once you see everything there (plus the event space we get to show stuff off) it's totally worth it IMO. Hotel Rooms are on special at $92 a night if not all gone by now, but there's plenty of hotels in the area to stay offsite if need be. Bring a finished project to display, or at least some xboxen and tools to work on it. No DOTA comps that I'm aware of so we probably can't get Shockslayer to come. :(

www.midwestgamingclassic.com for more info
Hotel? I was just going to drive there and back both days.
I already drive an hour to work and back every day, this is nothing.
bump because this is next week.

We'll be a part of the VIG Friday Night show where we will try and build a portable (almost) completely from scratch during the 6 hours of the Friday Night show, most likely a Superjoy III NOAC portable.

Other stuff happening Throughout the weekend:
A Rockband Setup, because Rock Band.
A dreamcast setup, most notably with Chuchu Rocket 4 player mayhem so by the end of the show we won't want to see each other for another year anyway.
Ben Heckendorn should have a new mod or two to display, probably (hopefully not that creepy Animatronic Puppethead). The Neogeo Bartop Arcade will be featured again, with a 160 game multicart.
Marshall's got some crazy N64 flax goin' on so that'll be cool to see.
3D Printing parts all weekend with an array of existing parts on display, like [url=http://portablesofdoom.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/trif.jpg]this
or this.
Completed projects and portables on display; Longhornengineer's P3DP, MetallicamanX's pNES Mark III-s, my SNES in a NES console, Atari Flashback cart mods, Nomad Screen/Battery Mods, Overclocked and Underclocked Gameboy colors, NES2 A/V mods, and more.
We usually try and fix some retro (pre 360/PS3 era) console fixes. We fixed a cronotrigger cart and an NES2 last year, but failed on a Turbografx CD (bad laser and/or gear).
Space to work on mods/show off your project (BYOT)

For those coming, again if you have a project done you would like to display we gladly have some room to spare. If you want to work on a WIP project, BYOT but we should have something extra to use/help if needed.

I'll be tweeting all weekend from the PortablesofDoom twitter for live updates and such.