MichaelThurston's Treehouse of Awesome.(56k fail) UPDATES!

LOLWAT? :rofl:

Somebodies been shoopin' mah photos :cry4:

This is the only one I uploaded, and it isnt in this one... :?

According to the official rules of epicness, 9001 is the smallest number that can count as "over 9000." Numbers less than one do not have enough win to power the awesomeness, unless the win has been upgraded to epic win, but we all know it takes at least 9006 to handle that much raw awesome.
Nintendott, you watch DBZ much? That's the reference. "His power level is over 9000?! Impossible!"
zeturi said:
Nintendott, you watch DBZ much? That's the reference. "His power level is over 9000?! Impossible!"
I think he's more confused by my use of a reimann sum
mako321 said:
zeturi said:
Nintendott, you watch DBZ much? That's the reference. "Vegeta, what does the scouter say about power level?" *ch-chik* "IT'S OVER NINE THOUSANDDDDDDD!" "WHAT? THERES NO WAY THAT CAN BE RIGHT!"
