michael_0u812's PS3 Laptop Worklog!

Man, where is geohot with his custom firmware? And where is Sony with that Emotion Engine emulator they patented? Things would be so much easier with a slim PS3. I would love to have a slim with other os and PS2 compatibility!
Geohot already did it.

Unless you don't plan on using psn or playing new games, go for it and use geohot's. You might not need to though, as the ps3 slim you buy might have old firmware on it.

You'll get other os, but sony will be able to patch over the geohot hack very quickly, meaning if you update again it'll be gone until a new hack comes out, or just don't update again, but you won't be able to use psn or play new games.
Ohhh, the slims. Lol, brainfart.

The whole point of removing linux from the fat was to get people to buy the slim instead. They're not going to give it to you, and I dunno if you'll get the option from hacks anytime soon.
UGH I know, it just sucks that Sony created (almost) the perfect console and then they ruined it.

I'll be happy when I get this finished. I just have to shorten a ton of wires and then start on the case. I think I'm going to use a side panel from an old computer for the bottom and I have some 1/8" acrylic for the rest. I have a mini router and I will set up some jigs so I can cut straight.
I'm using Yellow Dog 6.2. I'm usually an Ubuntu guy but there's a project called Zerogame which is a really nice emulator compilation. It was made for YDL so that's what I use.
I really like what i a seeing here so far!

however, this stuff with the iceberQ's is kinda interesting. i have been able to run a 360 with two of those puppies and no other cooling. quietest 360 ive ever seen. it seems odd to me that yours would be loud. (i know the 360 is really loud compared to ps3, but this thing was/is basically silent.) but i like the heatpipe idea.
Thank you!

When I hooked up the Iceberqs I just ran it on full 12V so they were a little loud and the PS3 still overheated. The spacing of the holes on the Iceberqs are smaller than on the PS3 so I has to rig up some washers and bolts to hold them. Maybe I didn't have enough pressure on the chips. I don't really know how I would apply heatpipes. Could you elaborate please?
basically, you would run copper pipes (the good ones are sealed and filled with glycol) from the processor/gpu, and then put the coolers on the pipes, not necessarily over the processor.it allows you to spread your colling out, and still have it be efficient.
More like this:

PalmerTech said:

Something like that!

That looks pretty good. I think the part that goes on the CPU looks a little taller than the stock fan though.

The problem is that it's a trade off of height vs width. If I want the x and y dimensions to be the same as the monitor, the blu-ray drive has to be slightly under the PS3. If I make it any thinner I would have to put the blu-ray beside the PS3, making it an inch longer.

Here's a pic of what I mean.
I needed to revise my power connector because having 18ga wire on the 12V line wasn't going to cut it. I went to the electronics store to find some wire and a connector that could handle 32 amps. After finally convincing the guy at the store that I DID NOT mean 3.2 amps, here is what I got:

The connector is rated for 50 amps so I think it will do. Man, I hate dealing with old guys at electronics stores. They automatically assume I know nothing about electronics :wtf: