

Frequent Poster
O hai, haven't posted in a while. Made this maybe a week or two ago, I think I could've done a better jobs if I had the right tools to work with, but for what I had I did a pretty good job.





Finished product -

Has a lot of visual flaws, but I'm fine with the way it got finished up.
I made one this past year. It was so much fun to bring to the Halloween themed rave I went to. Definitely worth the time and effort.

nobble said:
I made one this past year. It was so much fun to bring to the Halloween themed rave I went to. Definitely worth the time and effort.

Good job on it, looks better than mine :p
I'm probably gonna make another to where out to places. This one is just chilling in my closet haha
Oh god, we had 6 deadmau5s at my school this October.
Didn't end well, they were blasting dubstep in the halls while trying to be badasses.
i'm pretty sure deadmau5 said something about dubstep being flax before it took over the world. dubstep sucks anyway.

i like this though, it's good.
bud said:
Holy flax! It's nobble! Wazzup bro?

Oh you know, just resurrecting from the dead. I wish I had more time and cash to do fun projects like I used to but sadly working full time and living out on my own is just too Dang expensive. I barely had enough to make my mau5head. It took like 3 months for me to finish cuz of the cost. Sad thing is that I don't really have anywhere to wear it and is just a novelty now. It's still pretty sweet and held up amazingly after that event running into peoples faces and doorways all night. HOTTER THAN Heck TO DANCE IN THO! Word of advise if you make another one joey is to make it as light as possible and sturdy. I used this guide to work off of. ... ad-helmet/

Have fun!