Mario Land Full Colour Romhack


Active Member
I built some gameboy dev carts, at first it was to play games I didn't feel like paying for. Since I had the dev carts handy, and some flash chips, I decided to use it to do some gameboy dev-work. I present you the first completed project....mario land 1, IN FULL COLOUR


This is a romhack of the marioland 1.1 rom turning the game into full colour. I found a colorized version of the game on that had been made using the gb colorizer. The gbcolorizer code is unfinished and games made using it don't run on real hardware or certain emulators. With the help of bgb emulator, spikeman, and a lot of research into gameboy assembly language I give you this improved hack. This version makes the colourized rom go from 1mbyte down to 128k, this hack runs on actual hardware and all emulators flawlessly. All bugs and glitches that were in the previous release have been fixed (there were a lot of bugs and glitches). There's the occasional drawing glitch giving you the wrong pallette on tiles once in a blue moon but the glitches are so small they're not annoying at all. The reason why there's minor drawing glitches is because of the nature of the inserted colorizer code. This's as good as you can get without completely disassembling the entire rom, and truthfully I never imagined we'd get it this good.

Testing on real hardware was done using my home-made gameboy dev carts. This game only runs on a gameboy color, gameboy advance, or gameboy player, it won't run on a super gameboy or original gameboy since it's programmed as a gameboy color game.

Here's the patch:

Once again this patch is for the marioland version 1.1 rom, it converts the black and white marioland rom into a fully fledged gameboy color rom running with the graphics converted into colour.
This is brilliant! I love this!
Can you hack me so I don't totally suck at this game?
Thanks. It was a lot of asm reprogramming that was tag-teamed between myself and spikeman. I found the problems, solved the ones I could, the ones I couldn't solve I explained to spikeman what needed fixing and he solved them. Colorizing was done by mathuser2929 with the use of the gameboy colorizer which also provided the basic colorizer code which we reprogrammed to run properly on the real thing. Gameboy colorizer was made by mistrfishy back in like...2002? Really this is a big group effort.