machjas n64p work log

Finally have my tact switches! I had to go to the post office and pick them up myself. The plan for tonight is to hopefully have a controller wired up with tacts, and test fine. I'll post an update later tonight.
Bino Gas said:
I use 24 AWG for power. I wouldn't take Bac's recommendations, though; he uses 24 AWG for everything.


You should have seen his Dreamcast optical drive relocation. Looking at the pictures, I was wondering if it was even possible to use bigger wire.
I'm taking a quick break right now, but the tact assembly for the C, A, B buttons is going really well. Stay tuned for a juicy update later tonight!
I'm still trying to work out the assembly for the D-pad. I'm using what I believe to be the 1st party N64 D-pad, and I'm just kinda winging it at this point.

The tact assembly for the A, B, and C buttons is completed, I took pictures throughout the process.






I decided to use the buttons from the Yobo controller. The colors were darker, and I thought it looked better. I filled them in with hot glue, used the dremel and sanded it even, put them in the assembly I salvaged from the yobo, and set them on top of the tact switches. I then cut some screw posts to length and used those to hold the assembly together. This assembly will be mounted on the underside of the faceplate of the case.

I still need to run ground, and I have also since trimmed the acrylic down to be much smaller. I'll likely go ahead and finish the D-Pad assembly tonight as well.
Sweet! Looks alot nicer than my attempt, but i did have to use individual button holes. Im going to hook them up soon, and am confused about grounding them. Could you elaborate on how and why I would/need to?
I was just going to daisy-chain the tacts and ground it to the controller board. That's about as far as I am with it in my head.
Yes it wont work without grounding!

you want to have one contact wired to a pin on one side and ground wired to the other side parallely
Like this =[o]=
because the tacts legs connect on the same side so you want ground on the side thats not connected so when you push the tact it makes a connection if you want you can break of the rubber part of the switch to see how it works

sorry its kinda hard to explain hopefully you get it!!
I wanted to let you guys know that this project isn't dead. Had some stuff go down with my housing situation last year. Had a roommate that decided not to pay rent for 4 or 5 months, and I wasn't informed until it was pretty much too late. Long story short though, had to move back with my parents in December, and my workbench and projects are all in a storage shed on the other side of town. It's all good though, cause now I've got a better job and looking to move into my own place next month. I'll pick it back up at that point. I've missed you guys!