M11X gaming portable

ive managed to get hold of an old i5 m11x, and so ive decided to make it into a portable gaming machine. At the resolution ill be using (1024x768) its an adaquate machine to play the likes of MGSV and Mad max on, and possibly with a bit of hard work fallout 4.
Anyway, battery life is a humble 1 hour at the mo, heres some photos of the case so far.

the red is temporary




OK specs so far

M11x r3 i5 motherboard
8gb of ram
10.1 inch 720p IPS screen, (visible area 9 inches 1024x768)

The battery is the original laptop one, which only gets one hour when you throttlestop the CPU to keep it at full power.

Sound is handled via a USB soundcard, and control via a microcontroller 360, that uses a 3ds2an to connect two 3ds slide pads instead of joysticks. The nubs of the joysticks have been replaced with the tops of two aluminium Xbox one joysticks, to add a bit of durability and heft to them.

There is currently no touch screen as I couldn't find an overlay that didn't compromise the image quality too much, so instead I am going to be installing an additional on off switch wired to the start button, and will the use xpadder to load an alternate windows control scheme to all gamepad buttons when the button is held in its on state.

The reason for having some of the screen obscured is two fold. One, I want it to be a portable device, and thanks to the 3ds sliders I can have the controls on top of the screen edges without too much of an elevation. Secondly, its getting to the point where 1024x768 is the only realistic aspiration for newer games, so better to tailor it to this. (Mgs5 runs at a very reliable 30fps on medium settings for example, as does battlefield 4)

Total cost of the build has come to £330 that includes all purchases that have gone into it, down to electrical wire, and glue and acetone to make abs cement. Only thing not included is the cost of a dremel and a soldering iron. That I already owned.
What are you using for the battery? You should be able to get at least 2-3 hours of gaming out of the original if its in good shape. Why not use the original screen?

I <3'd my M11x R1. Fortunately for you, you have the R2 or R3. That poor little ULV C2D in the R1 was a real bottleneck. I'd probably still have mine if it hadn't been for that CPU.