looking for ideas for first project

Hi guys/girls yh right lol

i have a lot of old consoles i rarely use including

crystal xbox(no eprom)
xbox 360x2

and a few broken psps x3 (all screens work perfect)
i also have a few pc components left from a rig that was dropped
and the gpu and hdd died

also a new pc case that i bought in waiting to build a new i7 machine

My question is what should i do with it all my misses would like me to just throw it all out but that would be blasphemous as far as i am concerned

i have looked into the possibility of building some kind of hybrid but that just seems far too difficult a task

would it be possible to install one cd drive that spans all formats ie a blueray drive can read dvd cd and blueray

i have no idea i would just like some advice what would you do with it all ?? thanks guys
notsosleepy said:
would it be possible to install one cd drive that spans all formats ie a blueray drive can read dvd cd and blueray

i have no idea i would just like some advice what would you do with it all ?? thanks guys

Most likely not.
lol well thats helpfull yh i know it is probably not a viable idea just throwing it out there
i guess i would like to build a machine that has a a hard drive installed and maybe a large laptop looking machine with a 1tb hard drive and a replaced front end
a 15 inch screen i could easily build this from pc components but who couldnt??

which one of the console would be best for this project oh also
i want the machine to stay true to its manufacturers ie if i use the gc i would only like nintendo emulators and so on

i also have a 9 inch tablet that has a cracked screen ie the touch does not work
this has a 1.6 dc cpu
I'd say PS3 or Original Xbox if you want to make something where you store games on an HDD and run it off them, I don't have a PS3 anymore but I think with custom firmware you can boot games off the HDD, someone will have to verify that for me.
I can't confirm using the HDD to boot PS3 games, but I'd add the Wii to that list as that's a console that you can boot games off HDD without hardware modification.

I think what you should do is tell the misses to leave your stuff be and that you'll toss all of her hair product if she touches your electronics.
HAHA ill let you tellher whilst i retire to a safe distance haha shes not that bad realy

After looking into the modding scene i decided to move my gear into the shed with the dogs lol its warm plenty of room and the misses will be happy oh also anyone wanting my stuff can argue with the dogs lol after deciding this i spent a few hours on that good ld auction site we all love so much
and bought some new project pieces due to the fact that i totally suck at soldering i thought
a few relativly simple mods that require soldering might be a good place to start

ok so i bought

2 normal xboxes as the crystal one i have has no eprom
a sega megadrive mk1
and in my oppinion the most underated console of all time the sega dreamcast

ok so i thought a simple region mod on the megadrive with a custom paint job and maybe some leds

and an sd card mod on the dreamcast with a custom paintjob and yet again more leds

the xbox maybe just a simple softmod or modchip and maybe look into hd mods if any exist
as well as a themed paintjob as yet undecided oh also a hdd upgrade maybe sata if posible

what do you guys think i see these as relatively strait forward mods with the exception of the xbox

and should ive me some soldering xp

xp??? wow i play too many games