Looking for a NTSC gamecube!! ASAP!


Formerly known as zenloc
I'm in need of a ntsc gamecube. Needs to be shipping to Holland and I can pay with paypal.

PM me if you have one. It doesn't have to look good as long as it works.
Wish I had a spare, I would send it for free+shipping knowing that you would make something godly with it. ;)

Pity Holland is not like America, where GameStop sells a used gamecube, cables, memory card, and controller for $30 USD.
Depends on the gamestop, as far as I know. My cube had one in it when I bought it, I did not say anything. :awesome:
Some idiot employee was helping someone trade in their gamecube recently, and when the guy handed him the memory card to trade in, the employee didn't know what it was.
I get my gamecubes from eb games for $25 canadian. :awesome: (we don't have gamestop here, but it's the same thing)
The thing is that I can get a pal gamecube here for around $20 but I need a ntsc one. Buying american consoles are close to not possible for a good price. They really overcharge you saying it's a "special import" :awesome:

By the way still looking for one :mrgreen: I promise you that it will be used for some awesome modding :p
Hmm, I may have an extra Gamecube on my closet or something, let me check sometime today. If so, I can send it to you for the price of shipping.
Still looking for a couple of US gamecubes.... You could also just buy me a couple adn send them to me I'll pay ou the total amount via paypal ofcourse.
I def want it!! But since shipping to Holland is like $30 I can't really offer you much for it....

What do you want for it?