L button misbehaving?


Well-Known Member
I'm having a slight problem with my GCp's L button, specifically the trigger. I did the digital trigger mod so there is one button for a full trigger press. Both L and R work, but for some reason the GameCube thinks that when I press the L trigger button I'm pressing both the L and R trigger buttons. This inhibits a lot of things in many games. I can't find anything wrong with my wiring but it's like the controller IC itself is merging L and R into one. I don't understand it.
make sure everything has a good connection to ground.

as long as all your wiring is okay that's the only idea i have besides a crazy controller that would do that.
Wiring, wiring, wiring. I know it may look fine, but double and triple check it all, that's all I can say.
Okay, well, it was a loose wire, on the R button. Weird that R would still work fine but L would be glitchy.
Glad it's working. I've had weird issues like that too, which is why it's important to make sure EVERYTHING is connected properly, not just the thing that isn't working. I had issues where the analog stick would constantly register as the C-stick, so as you're trying to move your character or whatnot, it keeps moving the C-stick as well. Turns out the C-stick actually needs to be connected in order for the main controller stick to work...
Yeah, that was a bit specific, but I think it's very common to have controller issues while modding. If your controls are acting strange in any way, I'd suspect a wiring error 90% of the time. Either something is wired up wrong or not wired at all. This happened to me several times for just one controller
One third party controller of mine requires something like 4.7k to ground on the x and y axis for the analog sticks, which you could miss if you cut it up without paying too much attention.