Journey (Game)


Gin-Choobinest Member
Staff member

By the same company that made flOw and flower, both excellent and beautiful games. Watch the video, it's great.

PS3 only; sucks for the rest of you. I'm so glad I have one now.

In this game, you control a character and maneuver yourself through a desert to reach a mountain in the distance. You don't know why or what's there, but that's where you'll go. It's online only, and the only way to interact with other players is through a "shout" of sorts. No voice or chat.
It focuses on the landscape and music a lot. It's simple but very immersive. If you played flower and liked it I'm certain you'll like Journey. I love these kinds of games, and the video makes it look gorgeous.

Supposed to come out in Spring 2012. I can't wait for it!
Looks great. Only reason I wouldn't like it a TON is the lack of conflict. It has this Shadow of The Colossus feel to it, which is awesome, but then the only obstacles in the game are, well, obstacles.

SOTC had this kind of scenery and exploration, but with bigass monsters to take down. At one point, you even found yourself holding on to the back of a giant bird as it soared through the air, trying to kill it but also trying to stay alive.

I'm sure theres a major difference in the studio budgets, so I can't compare too much. And its just a different game. Has a nice vibe nonetheless.
Tchay said:
Looks great. Only reason I wouldn't like it a TON is the lack of conflict. It has this Shadow of The Colossus feel to it, which is awesome, but then the only obstacles in the game are, well, obstacles.

SOTC had this kind of scenery and exploration, but with bigass monsters to take down. At one point, you even found yourself holding on to the back of a giant bird as it soared through the air, trying to kill it but also trying to stay alive.

I'm sure theres a major difference in the studio budgets, so I can't compare too much. And its just a different game. Has a nice vibe nonetheless.
Man, you and I think the same with regards to videogames. I was gonna say the same exact thing.