

Hey guys :) I am starting a portable Nintendo Gamecube soon (once I get a case or something). I will not be keeping a worklog except for maybe some vague updates every now and then, as I want the finished product to be a surprise :)
It will be in a Datamax Kidz Delight case.
The other reason I made this thread is to answer any questions you may have about how I do certain things or how to do other things that relate to the Gamecube. (note: I am not trimming the motherboard at all. It fits into the case without it.)
Now although this is completely off the subject... :wtf: ...would u (meaning both of you guys) mind mind making a video on how to make a game cube portable?? :awesome: ?? Man, If some body bothered me about something like this I'd tell them to :evil2: off!...but it's up to u. And although this goes without saying, I'm not alone. If you no of a great video for starters, feel free to let me no. plz and thank you. seriously, bye
Pcuber said:
Now although this is completely off the subject... :wtf: ...would u (meaning both of you guys) mind mind making a video on how to make a game cube portable?? :awesome: ?? Man, If some body bothered me about something like this I'd tell them to :evil2: off!...but it's up to u. And although this goes without saying, I'm not alone. If you no of a great video for starters, feel free to let me no. plz and thank you. seriously, bye

i can answer this for them. no. there is no definitive guide or way to do it. people do it different ways. and most of us can't be troubled to make a guide
Actually, I can make some videos of a few key parts, possibly. I will have to see about a few details and things about it, but I'll see what I can do. It would only really have some fundamental things, like what all you need to actually do...not actually wiring it. Right now it is a maybe
I'm glad I got a single response, but If ur saying there's a chance that someone would be willing to help me, and many others, then that would be oh so kewl...but that didn't really need to be said, because of course I'd be happy. This is great!...that is until it's a no...awwwwww...

...I'll get over it.
Pcuber said:
I'm glad I got a single response, but If ur saying there's a chance that someone would be willing to help me, and many others, then that would be oh so kewl...but that didn't really need to be said, because of course I'd be happy. This is great!...that is until it's a no...awwwwww...

...I'll get over it.
Kasar made a GCp guide on BH. I think Shockslayer reposted it here.
Sry for any confusion, but thank you so much for that link. I might've just found it by searching around, but you made i alot easier on me....so again, thank you.
Burmpdate. Kind of. Almost done with the front of the case; I'll make sure to put a picture up a little bit later. It may be tomorrow, though. It really depends on when the paint dries....but I should be able to barely move it around about 15 minutes after I put the paint on. Just a few more things to do :)
Uppppppdate. For real. Case is nearly done. I just have to wait for the filler to dry on the back and the primer to dry on the front so I can sand.


Sand a lot. o.O

Everything just kind of sitting in the case; I tested with the batteries earlier and everything fits just fine :wink:


diggin' it... I think GCN will be my next project after the n64. Just the idea of portablizing the Resident Evil series (up to RE4, anyway)... Words could not express the awesome.

Great casework!
How are you doing the L and R buttons?

@machjas: Don't forget you'll have to make a Ps1p for Nemesis and Survivor.
Hahah, it's all good. Thanks for the compliments :) It's not going to look as good as you'd think in real life, but this is really my first time working with this stuff. So that's alright :P

The triggers are going to be almost the exact same as the triggers that hailrazer used for his. And by almost the same I mean pretty much exactly the same...

And portablizing most of my favorite games is also one of the reasons I'm looking forward to finishing this so much :D
That's some excellent casework! Very nice looking joins between the pieces. I'm really looking forward to the finished product. :)
Thanks :) Unfortunately, the slope going from the screen to where the ABXY buttons are didn't seem to want to smooth properly regardless of how long I sanded the thing, so it's pretty noticeable there. Hopefully some more sanding and the paint will help, but I don't know yet. Not to mention it will be black :wink: here's hoping it turns out like I want it to!