J.D is grounded

I got a C+, too. Usually my parents would be mad, but they wouldn't ground me. But this time they're okay with it because it was in Math. Our teacher sucks and no one got above a B-, so they figure if it were graded on a curve, [which this class should be] he would have a solid A.
And thus, JD became a lurker.

One day, he shall return, knowing full well what has transpired in his time away from a real computer. But will others remember him? Could his absence serve to alienate him from the userbase, much less become a phantom from the very start to new members?

Only time will tell.
C+ =grounded? Lol.

Also, I remember when bibin got into deep flax. Funny as Heck.

Last time I remember getting grounded Palmer taught me how to hack the mainframe to get computer access. :awesome:

Good times, man, good times.

This is why I work hard for A's. I'd assume my half-asian mother would do the same thing that JD's half-asian parent is doing if I got a C+. :P
I get a C every now and then.

My parents just don't pay me for it, I get $20 for all As in a grading period.

Then they tell me to do better.

And that's it.

I get a "good job", and I'm perfectly content with that. I don't really feel like I need that kind of extrinsic motivation to do well in school. :dah:
Lol, I completely failed everything at school and my parents didn't ground me.

Nice having not strict parents
Well I'm ungrounded from my phone browser now. Not much, but still nice to have.
I've gone a total of a year out of the last 5 with only a phone browser. Half of that was an iPod Touch, but I'm still counting it.
Apparently I can see the chat perfectly in this mobile browser but when I click on "submit" it logs me out.