Items to avoid using, and alternative products.


Apparently plover is a type of bird.
Obviously, using just ONE won't do much, but if everyone has this attitude, things won't be good. Haven't you seen "Pee," from South Park? Also, notice I say "should." It's not like the world will end if you use them, but supplies are limited. And when i say clone controllers, the way to tell is if they have the official system logo or whatever, they're the kind to void. If they don't, chop away!


Top-Loading NES: They may be smaller than the original NES, but they're very rare and should be kept around
....................Alternatives: RetroDuo, NOAC, Original NES, NES Clone Systems

Virtual Boy: There are so many reasons not to alter a Virtual Boy
....................Alternatives: None

SEGA Nomad: There's really no reason to use the SEGA Nomad board as a small Genesis to hack. That's just dumb, it's already portable and there aren't really many hacks you can do.
....................Alternatives: Sega Genesis, Gen X, other Genesis clone systems

GameBoy Micro: There aren't a ton of these, try not to mod them
....................Alternatives: GBASP, GBA

GameBoy Light: Pretty rare.
....................Alternatives: DMG, GBP

SuperJoy: A lot of people like these, but they're very rare now and should be avoided.
....................Alternatives: Other NOACs

Original SNES Controller: I actually can't find any of these on eBay. All of them I try to get end up as clone controllers.
....................Alternatives: Clone SNES controllers, RetroDuo Controllers, Two 4021 ICs (Wire together to make a homemade controller, then vaccum-form a case. Or, if you're taking the controller apart, just wire the ICs together and add switches and resistors)

PS Controllers: These are incredibly rare. THese are the kind with no analog sticks, just the buttons.
....................Alternatives: Later PS controllers, Clone controllers

PSone 5" LCD: These are incredibly common and loved, but there are very few left and they're all expensive. They should be kept to a modding minimum.
....................Alternatives: Zenith 5" Xbox/PS2 LCD (Same motherboard inside, you can even use the same modding diagrams)

Any Special-Edition System/Controller/Whatever: Any system that has some sort of special case should not be used in a project of any kind, unless you make sure you replace the mobo. (For example, if the only N64 you can get at the time is a Hey, You! Pikachu! edition N64, then just get another N64 later and put that mobo in the Pikachu shell)
....................Alternatives: A normal version of the same system

Any Rare Item: Things like a QuikShot Joystick or one of those NES headset things, or even a Mega Memory Card should be avoided. They're rare and unless you can replace the mobo, just try not to use them. But things like Sega Saturns, or the Atari Jaguar, ColecoVision, etc. should be avoided unless you really want to use them.
....................Alternatives: Varies

Incredibly Old Gaming Units: ColecoVision, Pong, etc... Just don't use them.
....................Alternatives: None

Low Supply Items, TRY NOT TO USE:

These are items where if you can, you shouldn't use, but it's not horrible if you do use them. They are somewhat rare but not terribly rare.

SNES Mini (Alternatives: Original SNES, RetroDuo, Gen X, Other SNES clone systems)
Original NES (Alternatives: NOACs)
NES Controllers (Alternatives: Clone controllers)
Original Ataris (Alternatives: AOACs)
Atari Controllers (Alternatives: Simple tact switch wiring)
Genesis III (Alternatives: Genesis I, Genesis II, Genesis clone systems)
Nintendo 64 (Alternatives: None... so far) (ShockSlayer can use as many as he wants. Other portablizers should stay clear unless they can't stand not making one. It will become rare in a few years, so we should take heed until a clone comes out. As for now, though, it's not very rare)


First-Party Controllers (Alternatives: Clone controllers)

Anyone got anything to add to the list?
Since when are n64s rare, and why would we stop using them? They're not uncommon, they're everywhere on craigslist, ebay, here, etc. N64s won't be going bye bye supar rare because a few hundred of them get turned into something awesome.

People shouldn't stop, the usage should just slow down. The quantity of unaltered Nintendo 64s is dropping at a not-so-slow rate and until a clone system is made, people should be making less N64ps (Not including SS).

Not to mention they're easily fryable and a lot of people end up going through more than one N64 for just one portable.

EDIT: I just looked up "nintendo 64" on eBay and I got over 1000 system results, but a lot of them were special edition stuff. My point still stands that less people should use them, but people shouldn't take it as a suggestion to stop all portable-N64-making
LOL, the N64 sold over 33 MILLION worldwide.

Don't think we'll see a shortage anytime soon. :p

Also the SuperJoy is still being made and probably has a bigger base than the N64 :lol:
Yes, what hailrazer said.


Also, you don't get to decide what we do with n64s. You don't get to decide if SS gets special treatment. SS would be the one to make less if anyone as he probably has like 5 right now. Unless he sold them all or scrapped them all. :dah:
1) I agree, N64s are far from scarce, after all, I maintain a near constant stream.
2) I think SOME PEOPLE/PENGUINS are taking this the wrong way, and need be a little less angry-white-boy.
Look, All I'm saying is that the N64 availability isn't going to be very high if people keep frying and making so many systems. I'm not saying they're hard to get now, but as for N64, I'm looking ahead. And SS would get to keep using them because those are his staple product, and he can make them in like... 3 hours. If other people could do that, they would be deserving to use as many as they want, as well.

jleemero said:
I think SOME PEOPLE/PENGUINS are taking this the wrong way, and need be a little less angry-white-boy.
Agree'd. I'm not at all "deciding" what people get to do with their N64, I'm just suggesting that people reconsider modding them until a clone system comes out.

And by "reconsider," I don't mean people overall should stop, I mean each individual should take the time to really think it out before using a N64.
Some of this is good, some of it is garbage. I'd like to contest these points:

1)SNES Controller: It's not THAT rare. I agree that it could be considered low supply by some standards, but I've seen these everywhere. Considering that a lot of SNESes were sold and most came with TWO of them... well, do the math. The thing is these are usually sold alongside systems on eBay. That said, there isn't really any reason to use one, and a lot of them are broken to some degree by now (sticky, bad contact, cosmetic damage).
2)PS Controllers: Again, not really rare. This one maybe a bit harder than the SNES controllers, but considering I see about three every time I go to an EBgames, I don't think you can call this one rare.
3)Any Rare Item: This is crap, not because it's wrong, but because it's non-specific. You mention Atari Jaguar and Quikshot, but you were fairly unspecific here. The whole point of the thread is to point out what's rare, right? Seems kind of redundant and ambiguous here.
4)Nintendo 64: I agree with the others here. The N64 is anything but rare. There's a zillion of them on eBay, first of all. Also, a lot of people have these and don't use them anymore. I've got super deals because of that fact. You go to pretty much any good game store, they have N64s. Millions of these were sold. Millions of these were still around. The only reason I can see how it would be considered low supply is because quite a few people are holding on to them.
I see right through your scheme, pLover! You're going to try and make us not portablize any easy retro systems so that the demand on those systems lowers. Sellers will become desperate to get rid of them. Then the prices will plummet, and you will buy them all! Just for that, I'm going to go fry ten n64s just because I feel like it! :p
XCVG said:
Some of this is good, some of it is garbage. I'd like to contest these points:

1)SNES Controller: It's not THAT rare. I agree that it could be considered low supply by some standards, but I've seen these everywhere. Considering that a lot of SNESes were sold and most came with TWO of them... well, do the math. The thing is these are usually sold alongside systems on eBay. That said, there isn't really any reason to use one, and a lot of them are broken to some degree by now (sticky, bad contact, cosmetic damage).

I see you point, but in my experience, people try to pass off third part controllers as first. I've gotten schemed at least five time by people on eBay (with good reps, too) selling third-party SNES controllers and saying they're "original" or "Nintendo-made." I'm just saying that if the rest of the SNES controllers out there follow the same pattern I've seen, then they should be saved for playing SNES on the TV.

2)PS Controllers: Again, not really rare. This one maybe a bit harder than the SNES controllers, but considering I see about three every time I go to an EBgames, I don't think you can call this one rare.

I'm talking about the old ones with no analog stick. I haven't been able to find any of them in floods of DualShocks.

3)Any Rare Item: This is crap, not because it's wrong, but because it's non-specific. You mention Atari Jaguar and Quikshot, but you were fairly unspecific here. The whole point of the thread is to point out what's rare, right? Seems kind of redundant and ambiguous here.

Good point. :neutral2: I mean more like systems such as the Saturn or the Atari 5200 (You know, just any accessories, or the rarer systems that kind of... died.) but I can see what you mean.

4)Nintendo 64: I agree with the others here. The N64 is anything but rare. There's a zillion of them on eBay, first of all. Also, a lot of people have these and don't use them anymore. I've got super deals because of that fact. You go to pretty much any good game store, they have N64s. Millions of these were sold. Millions of these were still around. The only reason I can see how it would be considered low supply is because quite a few people are holding on to them.

I'm not taking it off the list. I do agree that there are plenty around, but you need to read what I've already said. N64 is on the list solely because of the fact that at the rate it's going, it will be much more rare in a few years. There have been tons of N64ps in the last two years since it has become popular. I'm just saying that we should be aware and reconsider making a N64p when we want to, until a clone system comes out.

Also, I freaking lol'd at epicelite's post.
So would it be bad to break open a Gamecube component cable, to use rgb with it? As long as I'm willing to shuck out $60 to do this, I don't see a problem. Collectors will always have a set, if they cared about the systems.

I'm not too partial to clones myself, things like 98% compatibility bother me. What if my favorite game happens to be included in that 2%?
First of all, there may be lots of fake SNES controllers on eBay, but all the used game stores I went to had lots of them. And I was talking about the original, stickless PS controller. Guess they're a lot more common up here than in the US. And your point about the N64 is good, but compared to the number of them out there, not many of them are being portabilized.

I don't want to start a flame war though, so I'm going to stop here.
Zeutri: No, that's fine. GCN isn't anywhere near becoming rare, no to mention the component cable is the same for SNES and N64.

XGVC: I guess you may be right about the controllers. i've NEVER seen a stickless PS controller, but I live in the US. And about SNES controllers, are there any stores that aren't small businesses (besides PnT) that still sell old stuff like that? I've never seen one, but you may very well be right. My PnT doesn't have any first-party SNES controllers.

And this list isn't meant to be contested like this. It's not supposed to be taken anywhere near this seriously, it's just a list of alternative systems to use so you can preserve original stuff. Not to mention almost all of the stuff people are contesting are things that are supposed to be regarded even less. :neutral2:
pLover said:
Zeutri: No, that's fine. GCN isn't anywhere near becoming rare, no to mention the component cable is the same for SNES and N64.

Nope, the component cable is for the Gamecube only and doesn't work on the Snes or N64. ;)

And it only works on the Gamecube with the digital out port.
hailrazer said:
pLover said:
Zeutri: No, that's fine. GCN isn't anywhere near becoming rare, no to mention the component cable is the same for SNES and N64.

Nope, the component cable is for the Gamecube only and doesn't work on the Snes or N64. ;)

And it only works on the Gamecube with the digital out port.

If you're talking about the A/V cable, that cord works on my Rev. A GCN and N64 :k

(if you're not, sorry ^^)
I call BULLflax! 'TIS LIST IS BULLflax.

Besides, this list is made by an animal lover and a guy who thinks Apple headphones are the best :p Besides, you didn't even mention the N64DD.