ipod baterry for wireless

i was planning on using an old ipod battery for making my wireless nes controller and then i remembered a guy who had done this already sadly after searching all day i found no guide and the old page that i first saw it on no longer exists so does anyone know how to wire a ipod battery to a controller and have the charging port on it
are you talking about the ipod charger or some other form of charger. because the ipod cable gives 5 volts, and the input for this is on the far right side of the charger.
Just put the battery in your controller. Since you only need the +5v to charge it, you could wire in your own charging port. I'm sure the iPod battery can be just pulled out with it's protection circuitry.
i have an ipod battery hooked up to my controller but i need to know how to make some thing to attach to the battery to charge it when it dies like a usb port or something
itspietime said:
i have an ipod battery hooked up to my controller but i need to know how to make some thing to attach to the battery to charge it when it dies like a usb port or something

just wire up the battery the same way it already is in the ipod but take the power and wire to the controller. relocate the charge port and bam you're done