Insignificant thread.

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Who knows? Maybe the forums think its febuary or something.

In any case, yeah, its not me, and if it is, i'd love to see you prove it.

I never said it was you in the thread. I just wanted to know if he was unbanned early or what exactly happened. Anyway, I believe you.
*Clicks on Forum 42*

*Hmm, Insignificant thread?*

*Insignificant was spelled right, so it couldn't have been Banditpaw1!"

*Oh wait, no.*
J.D said:
*Insignificant was spelled right, so it couldn't have been Banditpaw1!"
I think the original title of the topic was "OH NOES I ARE BACK!" Much more banditpaw-esque.
themadhacker said:
well, since BP's back, it looks like I will be satying far from the forums for awhile. except the chatroom, maybe.
Oh Gee I feel so loved would you like to beat me with a stick too?
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