
Founder of Modretro
Staff member
ComiCon volunteer registration is now open. ModRetro is planning on helping out, it is a great non-profit to volunteer for, and if you need volunteer hours for school or something this summer, it counts. In addition, you work 3 hours a day, and get free entrance to the rest of the convention.

If you are going to ComiCon, volunteer NOW. We do not have long till the space fill up. ... reform.php
Videogames, Comics, Anime, Manga. Used to be mostly comics, but VideoGames are the main focus these days.
@ßeta- me too.

Just voulenteered. Awesome.
I actually won't be 16 until the Saturday of comicon, but they don't have to know that.
What? :-/ It is very people oriented, it is a not an industry trade show by any stretch of imagination. In fact, the ComiCon foundation is a non profit organization dedicated to preserving and maximizing exposure to Comic Book, Video Game, and Anime art. It is 100% not geared towards professionals at all. You have never even been, so how would you know otherwise? ;)
can we do this next year too? by then I will be 14 and might be able to pass for 16.(my doctor thought I was 5 or 6 when I was 2)And my parents won't let me go.
If it goes well this year, I see no reason to not repeat it. Will your parents let you go next year?

Also, they require photo ID that matches your pass and proves your age.
@SS: Cosplaying may as well be a requirement for MR members. :awesome:

Basement_Modder said:
Will school ID count? It doesn't have age, but most people I meet think I'm like a junior and 17-18. I'm 6'4", so...

School ID should count. They do not really care much about age, they just do not want people selling passes to other people.
Go into some back alleys and start asking around for a fake ID. Resist the temptation to buy drugs, guns, or pirated movies.