Im think of making a handheld out of a laptop.

I am thinking of using a laptop to make a gaming handheld. I was thinking of using a Alienware m11x but itll have no I/O panel because it wont fit the way I want it to. I want to know if there is a way to make it work because the sound for the speakers is on the panel and the HDMI, USB is also there. Basicly the I/O panel is to long and comes off the mainboard to far to fit it in the case im planning. Can I connect it another way then the way they have? Or does someone know of a good gaming laptop to use for the project?
That would be a terrible waste of $900, and your time. By the time you install over 9000 fans, if won't even be a handheld anymore.
:tophat: LOL a mini itx. I was planning the cooling with the same heat sink and fans plus adding a few of my own that im sure will work great. Ive thought about it and thats what im using (Alienware m11x) Unless I can find a laptop with the Nvidia 425m and a quad core intel. I want to be playing new games aswell but cant trust the m11x to do with out problems "directx 11".
This thing will do with a :mrgreen: ssd or 2. ... cification :twisted: I just wish I could find a ROG what would work well.