IM sad :(

hello this is kingofthebacon and my project will probably never get done my screen is scratched my cart slot is broken and i took off 2 crystals i think so yeah and i will probably never be skilled enough to relocate a cart slot :(
That's what I thought when I first started.

Look at me now. ;)

If you can't do it, have someone who can do it for you. I'm sure there are lots of people around here who can do it and also need money.

In my first n64 portable, the cart slot was relocated, But I wasn't the one who did it. It was gannon of BH.

I can relocate cart slots and do other stuff (not casework. I suck at making cases). PM me if you want something done. Also, what SS said. I went through a phase where I told myself I was in over my head and I could never do something like this. A few months later I picked it up again and just recently finished my Elephant64! :awesome:
snowpenguin said:
Blogging, lawl.

Please make use of punctuation, your post hurt my brain.
Please make use of empathy, your post hurt my heart.

Dude, just have somebody relocate your cart slot and make a portable! :p
Well i think me and jlee are gonna make a deal if it's ok with my dad hes gonna give me a n64 with relocated cart slot but i don't know for how much yet.
Or, you could just get a soldering iron and practice using it for a while, then take a crack at the relocation. I am a complete noob and I have successfully relocated the cart slot on my n64 twice. Trust me, it's easier than you think, it's just time consuming.
Well, If you ever need insperation (or not if SS is there :awesome: ) you can head over to the chatroom, theres usually people there.