I'm making a Hammock.


Breaker of Everything
Staff member
Bought lots of rope, got bored, started making a hammock. Passing out now, more tomorrow later today.

It's going to be sexy, and has already taken up over 800ft of rope.

48 individual strands of around 18ft each means that my 1500ft of rope is going quickly. This hammock better be Dang good.

Also, chances are I'll sell it once I'm done, If I do, I'll be looking for around $120 for it, so don't get too excited.
Bought lots of rope, got bored, started making a hammock.

Care to explain why you bought over 800 ft worth of rope for, if originally not to make a hammock?
I got 1500 ft of rope for $35... I'm an Eagle scout, and knots and lashings were always my favorite part of scouts... Seemed like a Dang good deal to me.

You know, just the whole too cool to pass up thing... same reason I got a waffle iron.
Army Surplus. :D

If you can give me money to buy and ship it, they have two more spools of 1500 ft, and I totally want to go in to make them wonder wtf I'm doing with all this rope. :D

Anyway, I have 300 knots to tie on this for the main net, got 30 done.






So, a bit of an update... I'm having a Heck of a hard time trying to figure out what to do with all the ropes to actually be able to hang this thing up (and make it look good)

basically, it's kept me from getting anything accomplished on the actual netting part.

If anyone knows how to make a braided rope that looks decent and is easy to put an eye splice in, I would LOVE to know.
bonus points for it being 12, 16, or 48 strands.

edit: holy crap, finally found something: http://www.instructables.com/id/The-Six ... and-Braid/
You are good at knots. I am an eagle scout and that was always my least favorite part of scouting :) I also have a waflle iron. I brought it into my APUS class once and made waffles in class. That was fun. I got extra credit for giving the teacher waffles.
Square knots are fun. On my recent Lake Powell trip, I found a small length of paracord floating in the water at the beach we were staying at. I cut it in half, knotted them together so I had four strands, and staved off many hours of boredom tying, untying, and making up knots. It was fun. I did a lot of square and spiral knotting, but I discovered a four-rope braid and a couple other interesting weaves as well.
I've decided that I'm too lazy to take pictures anymore. I'll make video updates more now.
I've also been too lazy to work on this much.

Listen to me stumble around my words like a boss.
Got commissioned to finish this, $150 is waiting at the end of it all, so I'm getting off my ass and finishing it up. Pics when I have home internet again.