I'm already buying an 1156 socket so I'm not really worried about next gen processors, I can still sell the i3 later. I plan to order my computer on monday and i can't spend a penny more. In my opinion there will be nothing wrong with using an i3 for now and upgrading to i7-870 later. Either that or by then there will be better processors and boards out that I can get. Right now I just need a gaming rig that is upgradeable.
The only games I can run are games by valve that can turn down direct x to 8. Like tf2, and portal, everything is on low and I only get 30 fps max.
768mb ddr ram
amd 1.7ghz single core
50gb hdd (which by the way is literally ticking away with it's last seconds, it's pretty much screaming at me to let it die)
8400gs pci card (overclocked too)
The plan is to run the i3 computer with windows 7, 2gb ddr3, and a 4650 for now, then upgrade the ram, then gtx 460, then aftermarket coolers, then sell the i3 and get a new i7.
I doubt I'll even be able to afford the new hexacores with my budget. My computers going to cost $550 without the os, and during the school year I'll only be working every other saturday. Plus I'm going to start working on the wingman again, and that's a whole other story, my main upgrade is going to be an i7 then new gpu, that's about it for a while. Maybe like a year from now, then there's the southern island gpus coming out, and amds bulldozer.
For now I'm building a budget computer, otherwise I'll just save money and see what's out there, I'M GETTING 25 FPS IN TF2 ON DX8!
EDIT: I forgot to mention I can't watch youtube videos above 360P. Do you feel sorry for me yet?