I have some NEWB questions

I have just started my first portable console which is a portable 64, so far i have started the cart relocation and what not, i have most of the necessary parts, so i have some questions.
I didn't realize that i cut the power connector as well as the video connector on the mobo of the n64, not realizing that i would need to do some tests and stuff, is there a way to be able to still get to test the n64 mobo and stuff?
As for the case, i have been looking around a lot and i was wondering what materials i would need to make as clean a case as i possibly can, i saw some pictures of some cases and i was mostly wondering how do people get the controller parts engraved within the case and have them stay there? and what keeps them there?
thanks in advance!
For the testing, you can just solder to the motherboard. The N64 has labeling for those ports, so you'll know where to input 3.3v, 12v, and G as well as where to output composite (V), left audio (L) and right audio (R).

For casing, it seems nowadays most people buy premade project boxes like those at polycase.com (site of choice generally.). Then they take parts from controller shells, cut them out, and cut a matching hole in the front of the project box. They then glue the parts to the front of the case, and use a filler like epoxy putty, abs cement, or bondo car body filler to fill the crack. After sanding the front of the case smooth, many people use bondo or other brand glazing and spot putty to smooth it out further, sand that down flat, and then prime the case. Then spraypaint it with several coats, and often a clearcoar to protect it, and you have a nice looking portable case.

Alternatively, you could just drill holes for buttons in a premade case, vacuum form your own case, get a case CNC machined, cut sheet plastic to make your own case, etc. The choices go pretty far.