I have a Rio Karma...And some pics.

Bibin said:
Ooh, wait, screen glows? That's EL foil backlighting it! Worst case scenario, take out the inverter and EL foil, and use it to backlit a GB Pocket or DMG!

The screen is too small.
Bibin was basically saying that you could pull the EL foil out of the Karma and use it to backlight a GameBoy pocket. I still say you try fixing it some more, and if not, I would be glad to try and fix it for you. Or, you could trade it to me for a working MP3 player.
OK, but what's an inverter? And thanks for the offer, when I have an opportunity, I shall send you my Karma if you can do something.
robm said:
Converts AC to DC, or in this case, DC to AC.

A rectifier converts AC to DC, an inverter converts DC to AC. Also, an inverter usually (but not always) boosts voltage.
Ah, thank you. BTW, why do you call it an el Foil? And I suppose that because it's an LCD it needs AC power?
Electroluminescent (EL for short) foil is a thin sheet. When power is applied to it, it glows/lights up. It's sometimes used to backlight LCDs. It's not an LCD itself, just a light source. A nice, even light source.
Jourdy288 said:
So Palmer, I suppose I'll send you the Karma. BTW, how much will this cost?

Just ship it to me with a self-addressed return package so that when I am done with it, I can just throw it in there and mail it. Attach postage, too. :awesome:

As for fixing it, no charge beyond parts, if they are needed. :mrgreen: Basically, I will just pull it apart, see what I can find out, post my findings, and depending on if it is fixed/not fixed/fixable/unfixable, you can decide where to go from there.
Wow, thank you so much, once I have the res. for that, I'll send to you for sure.
Thank you, again, sooo much!