Frequent Poster
So, for those of you that don't know, there is this game bundle done by Wolfire Games every now and then where they sell a few of the best Indie Games for "choose-your-own-price". You can also choose where your money goes (The Developers, Different Charities, or to the HIB guys themselves)
In addition to getting the games, you also usually get the source code and Steam and Desura keys. They also recently added the Official Soundtracks too.
It's really a great deal and you should all check it out.
There have been 7 bundles so far:
-Humble Indie Bundle
-----World of Goo
-----Penumbra: Overture
-----Lugaru HD
-----Samorost 2
-Humbler Indie Bundle
-----Cortex Command
-----Revenge of the Titans
-----All of the games from HIB1
-Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
-----Shadowgrounds: Survivor
-----Jack Claw
-Humble Indie Bundle 3
-----Crayon Physics Deluxe
-----And Yet It Moves
-----Steel Storm
-----Atom Zombie Smasher
-----All of HIB 2
-Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle
-----Frozen Synapse
-----All of the Frozenbyte Bundle
-Humble Voxatron Debut Bundle
-----Blocks That Matter
-----Binding of Isaac
-----Chocolate Castle
-----Zen Puzzle Garden
-----Jasper's Journeys
-Humble Introversion Bundle
-----2 Tech Demos
-----Crayon Physics Deluxe
-----Dungeons of Dreadmor
-Humble Indie Bundle 4
-----Bit.trip Runner
-----Super Meat Boy
-----Nightsky HD
-----Gratuitous Space Battles
-----3rd HIB, except Steel Storm and Atom Zombie Smasher
Now, what I'm sure many of you DON'T know is that there is another, similar sale model going on too.
It's called IndieRoyale.
However, unlike Humble Indie Bundle, it's not 100% pay-what-you-want.
Every two weeks, IndieRoyale sells a few Indie Games at a set price. Every time someone buys the bundle at this price, the price increases. BUT, if you happen to pay above the amount, the price will actually DECREASE for everyone. So your generosity doesn't only help developers, it helps everyone else too.
This also comes with Desura and Steam keys.
There have been 4 IndieRoyales to far:
-----Gemini Rue
-----A.R.E.S.: Exctinction Agenda
-IndieRoyale 2
-----Fate Of The World
-----Ben There, Dan That!
-----Time Gentleman Please!
-IndieRoyal 3
-----Runespell Overture
-----Cthulhu Saves The World
-----Really Big Sky
-----Breath Of Death VII
-IndieRoyale Xmas
-----The Blackwell Trilogy: Remastered
-----Dino D-Day
-----The Oil Blue
In addition to these game bundles, there is also another similar method. However, this one does not sell the games.
This one is called Show Me The Sales, which, every two weeks, features a bunch of great coupons on Indie Games.
I haven't done much research on this, but I don't think it is 100% that you get the Steam or Desura keys.
However, this is a cool thing for some of those games that aren't featured on the HIB or IndieRoyale.
While I have not bought any of the IndieRoyales or used any of the SMTS coupons, I have purchased all of the Humble Indie Bundles (except the FrozenByte one). I love most of the games in them, and I play them on a regular basis.
Now, so this isn't a blog post, I want to know what you think of this.
Which business model do you think is the best?
Which do you think is the worst?
Have you ever bought any of these?
Will you check them out in the future?
In addition to getting the games, you also usually get the source code and Steam and Desura keys. They also recently added the Official Soundtracks too.
It's really a great deal and you should all check it out.
There have been 7 bundles so far:
-Humble Indie Bundle
-----World of Goo
-----Penumbra: Overture
-----Lugaru HD
-----Samorost 2
-Humbler Indie Bundle
-----Cortex Command
-----Revenge of the Titans
-----All of the games from HIB1
-Humble Frozenbyte Bundle
-----Shadowgrounds: Survivor
-----Jack Claw
-Humble Indie Bundle 3
-----Crayon Physics Deluxe
-----And Yet It Moves
-----Steel Storm
-----Atom Zombie Smasher
-----All of HIB 2
-Humble Frozen Synapse Bundle
-----Frozen Synapse
-----All of the Frozenbyte Bundle
-Humble Voxatron Debut Bundle
-----Blocks That Matter
-----Binding of Isaac
-----Chocolate Castle
-----Zen Puzzle Garden
-----Jasper's Journeys
-Humble Introversion Bundle
-----2 Tech Demos
-----Crayon Physics Deluxe
-----Dungeons of Dreadmor
-Humble Indie Bundle 4
-----Bit.trip Runner
-----Super Meat Boy
-----Nightsky HD
-----Gratuitous Space Battles
-----3rd HIB, except Steel Storm and Atom Zombie Smasher
Now, what I'm sure many of you DON'T know is that there is another, similar sale model going on too.
It's called IndieRoyale.
However, unlike Humble Indie Bundle, it's not 100% pay-what-you-want.
Every two weeks, IndieRoyale sells a few Indie Games at a set price. Every time someone buys the bundle at this price, the price increases. BUT, if you happen to pay above the amount, the price will actually DECREASE for everyone. So your generosity doesn't only help developers, it helps everyone else too.
This also comes with Desura and Steam keys.
There have been 4 IndieRoyales to far:
-----Gemini Rue
-----A.R.E.S.: Exctinction Agenda
-IndieRoyale 2
-----Fate Of The World
-----Ben There, Dan That!
-----Time Gentleman Please!
-IndieRoyal 3
-----Runespell Overture
-----Cthulhu Saves The World
-----Really Big Sky
-----Breath Of Death VII
-IndieRoyale Xmas
-----The Blackwell Trilogy: Remastered
-----Dino D-Day
-----The Oil Blue
In addition to these game bundles, there is also another similar method. However, this one does not sell the games.
This one is called Show Me The Sales, which, every two weeks, features a bunch of great coupons on Indie Games.
I haven't done much research on this, but I don't think it is 100% that you get the Steam or Desura keys.
However, this is a cool thing for some of those games that aren't featured on the HIB or IndieRoyale.
While I have not bought any of the IndieRoyales or used any of the SMTS coupons, I have purchased all of the Humble Indie Bundles (except the FrozenByte one). I love most of the games in them, and I play them on a regular basis.
Now, so this isn't a blog post, I want to know what you think of this.
Which business model do you think is the best?
Which do you think is the worst?
Have you ever bought any of these?
Will you check them out in the future?