How to make ABS cement.

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Nitrile should do the trick. I used to use them when working with lacquer, lacquer thinner, wood stains, etc. and while they will weaken over time, you should be a lot better off (and safer) using them.
neverused said:
Nitrile should do the trick. I used to use them when working with lacquer, lacquer thinner, wood stains, etc. and while they will weaken over time, you should be a lot better off (and safer) using them.

The disposable or the reusable kind? I don't know how well they work with acetone, but they're great for lots of other things. I know neoprene is good with acetone but those are kinda hard to get.
I have no idea what neoprene is.

In anycase, I have found something interesting. When you use only one type of ABS plastic, the goop dries much faster. The stuff I posted in my guide was all from a playstation case. It dried in a few days. The stuff I made up before that had ABS plastic from several different things and took a week and a half to become rock solid.
I find this really intriguing. Sorry if it's annoying, but I've got like a million questions.

themadhacker said:
Using you hands are the only way to prove the best results using ABS. I have tried putty knives, ect. , but those methods just made thick globs of ABS everywhere and the results looked quite ugly.
Theoretically, couldn't you sand away any unsightly bits? Speaking of which, how well does this homemade cement stand up to sanding? Will it sand away nice and smooth or does it kind of come away in tiny chunks?

Also, once you've made a jar of this stuff, how long does it seem to last, assuming you're keeping the lid on most when not using it? If the leftovers all harden again, can you just add more acetone (or thinner or whatever) to it? Or would it lose cohesion after a few re-meltings?
It sands alright, but when you so, tiny bubbles will appear. they are unaviodable, but using finer grit paper can make them less noticable.

It lasts about a month before it starts to get very think. Just as you thought, adding more thinner or acetone will fix this.
I gotta say, if this stuff works out for me (once I get around to making some), it'd end up being one of the coolest things I've learned from here or BH. I'm all for saving money and recycling and all that. Major props.

Edit: For people worried about handling Acetone, this article provides some good insight. Handling the cement for short periods probably wouldn't have any effect at all. Hm. Then again, that article is just about Acetone. I assume there's some sort of chemicals in the melted plastic, but I could be wrong. Still, I'm feeling better about applying it manually.
It worked with paint remover to and the ABS melted with in 20 minutes!!! :D

themadhacker said:
i see.

I want to get a busted up atomic purple gbc case to make into cement. would be the best ever.
Why not use an atomic purple N64 controller? They're much more common. (I have 4 of them, lol.)
Right now I'm using Mighty Putty. I've been thinking about making this, but I'm worried about toxic fumes and melted gloves. Am I right to worry or is it relatively safe?
it is very safe.

toxic fumes? no worse than the fumes you get from mighty putty.

Also, no worse than fumes from spray paint.

and how many times do I have to say this. YOU DON"T NEED GLOVES!.
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