How to fix scratches on PS2 games.


Active Member
Does anyone know a way to remove or fix really scratched DVD's. PS2 games and such. My kids got into my game sleeve that had about 15 of my PS2 games in it. Needless to say they are scratched up pretty bad. I have seen the sites that you can send them too. I have checking with every video and video game store in my area and none of them offer repair service. I have heard that Drive doctors don't work. The only solution that I have seen that seems could be a solution is using a 3000 to 10000 grit sand paper and some buffing compound. Every video I have seen that uses this method seems to work. So does anyone on here know a better way or if this works? Thanks.
Hifeno said:
I have checking with every video and video game store in my area and none of them offer repair service.


You know, I'm 99% sure they're lying to you. EVERY game store should offer some kind of game repair. Maybe not free, but fairly cheap. I know Game Crazy used to do it (some guy brought in a copy of Suikoden when I was in there, I remember), I'm pretty sure GameStop does it, the local store does it, etc.

Well, if the game stores won't do it, ask around at Blockbuster or Hollywood Video or whatever video store you have. They should do disc repair if the game stores won't.
Teach your kids to handle discs properly. It's a good habit to get into for the rest of your life.
I am 25
Disc Doctor don't work.
Kids are only 3 and 2.
Blockbuster here said they do not repair discs.
Only one other rental place the next town over and I can not find their number.
Here's a method that has worked for me almost every single time. Do NOT laugh at me for knowing this. Take creamy peanut butter, and apply it to the disk. Give it a nice thick cover. Wait a short period of time, and wipe it off in the inner circle out method, using a rag made from an old t-shirt. Inner circle out means go in straight lines from the inner circular cut-out. Do NOT laugh.
TheNineRings said:
Here's a method that has worked for me almost every single time. Do NOT laugh at me for knowing this. Take creamy peanut butter, and apply it to the disk. Give it a nice thick cover. Wait a short period of time, and wipe it off in the inner circle out method, using a rag made from an old t-shirt. Inner circle out means go in straight lines from the inner circular cut-out. Do NOT laugh.

The most delicious CD repair I've seen yet.
You have the flaxtiest Blockbuster and game stores in existence if they won't even repair your Dang discs.

I actually looked this up a bit. Apparently Brasso polish can be used to fix discs. Sounds odd, but someone mentioned that it was just abrasive enough to take out the scratches without scratching the Heck out of the disc.
Not sure if you're from UK or US but I always use this:


Its for removing scratches on car bodywork but works a treat on CD/DVDs etc...