Holy s**t! (blogging)


Frequent Poster
So I was just sitting around minding my own business and then the whole house shook pretty hard! My Mom and brother felt it too. Then about 2-3 minutes later a who flaxload of fire/police/ambulance start going down the road!

My Mom called the police normal(non-911) number after we couldn't find anything on the news and it was a plane crash! :eek:

HOLY flax! :gonk:
I now know where you live.

*melodramatic pause*

In all seriousness, that must have really been a WTF moment. Also, that guy who held the other guy back from trying to save his wife is a jerk.
WHAT THE *Can'tSayThisOnTV*!?

I just herd and felt an explosion! :eek:

NO *Can'tSayThisOnTV*ING JOKE.


EDIT: Well maybe it was lightning, but I never had any sound like that did before, I have had some shake the house tho... :neutral2:

I mean like, why would there be only 1 lightning strike, it is raining lightly.
Try moving somewhere where flax doesn't happen outside.

Like here, nothing big ever happens outside.
All the Durgs, Murder, Explosions, Violent Killing Sprees, Domestic Abuse, Rape, OD's, Suicides, and other such adorableness happens indoors.