Hi My Name Is Hedge

Bonjour, mon nom est Basement_Modder.

J'espère que vous appréciez votre sejour ici aux forum de modretro ! J'attends avec intérêt de voir quel tri des projets vous pouvez faire, et espoir de terminer quelques uns moi! :lol:
Woooow!! Thanks for all guys, i think i will enjoy to stay here!!
So let me tell you, i am going to have a Snes Portable (making one by a Friend) BUT i really wanted the ultimate "case" to put it in.

So I tried to contact Marshallh, he got this fabulous one just here : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pc0S9AZ_64o

I really so much to have this case to make mine... but when I tried to contact me, he tell me that he do not know because of time, and when i tried to contact him now he do not answer me now, totally ignore me... :cry4:

So it make me very sad, because that you can see in our website that WE LOVE THE SUPER NES... So its the life....
Thanks to Bacteria to make me discover the website...

See u Soon..
That case was a custom vacuformed case I think. Basically you build a vacuum table with a bunch of holes in it that sucks things down. You make a mold and then put in on top. Then you get some plastic, heat it up, and push it over the mold with the vacuum on. Bacteria, ShockSlayer and some others can tell you exactly how to do it.

If you don't want to vacuform, there are a few alternatives. Frankencasing involves taking an existing case and cutting things up and putting it all together. It sounds ugly and terrible but it can actually look quite professional. It takes a lot of sanding and skill with Bondo to get it right. If you buy a premade case from Polycase or another place then you won't have to do a lot of modifying. You can also get a case made on a CNC machine, or build one from scratch out of plastic or other materials. Bacteria also sells (or used to sell) a vacuformed "IntoPlay" case. It's designed for a PSone but I'm sure a SNES will fit in it as well.
bacteria said:
Hedge, making a vacuum forming table is not hard at all, what takes time and cost is making the mold and getting the plastic sheets. Please feel free to see my Wordpress site for details on making the vacuum forming table and mold, etc - hopefully it will help.

Yeah, it's pretty easy, but tricky to get a good mold. It's also too expensive for me, even though it's really cheap. I'm kind of contradicting myself here....

bacteria said:
The SNES is a wonderful console system, the fact you are a fanboy Hedge, hopefully means you will make a wonderful system! You might like to consider a RetroDuo and an NTSC screen; as the board is small and also plays PAL and NTSC games as standard - including the Mario RPG game! (at least, mine does).

I'm probably getting one soon. The RetroDuo is cool and it has quite good compatibility and is nearly spot-on accurate. It does have some disadvantages though. A few games don't work and the thing has terrible built quality. Also from what I hear there are two different Mario RPG boards, one has stronger lockout and doesn't work.
Dont worry about the Snes, bacteria.
I am gonna have a Snes jr which is switched to play all the games like Mario RPG or DBZ Hyperdimension, so it's ok.

But the case Marshallh made, is absolutely wonderful... i really love it.. but he do not answering me so i think my dream will never be true :cry4:

BUT, Bacteria do you think the case you made about your PsOne can fit for a Snes Jr ??
Have you got pics about your PsOne Portable?

I also can make a Case with the site Polycase, but definitely not cauz' I Really want one which is awesome like bacteria or Marshallh made...

edit: I have seen your Nec and Ps Portable... what the.... its absolutely incredible... I think you're the only one who can make me the same Case as Marshallh!!!!! Bacteria, if you can hear me?? :cry4: :cry4: :cry4:
His PSonep is on here in the appropriate forum section, and the into-case wil be more than big enough for your needs.

I don't think bacteria could make the same case as marshll. He would need to somehow replicate the mold, and that would be almost impossible without actualy having the original.