Help me with STATISTICS homework


Here is the data

Source ---------------%
Coal------------------ 47
Hydropower --------- 13
Natural Gas --------- 19
Nuclear -------------- 19
Wind ------------------ 1
Other ------------------ 1

Question is: What percentage of power is derived from coal, nuclear, or natural gas?
wait, how do you not know this and if you don't, shouldn't you try to figure it out yourself?
It's called learning, my good sir.
If you do not know how to do something, you ask for help and people help you.
You see how they do it, and you learn.

What grade is this?

Re: Slick moves there.

Love how you changed the post subject of your post.
Has nobody else noticed that this guy is either a bad troll or under 10 years old?
Re: he from kuwait. ther edumactions sistem no as gud

Zero said:
Has nobody else noticed that this guy is either a bad troll or under 10 years old?
well, yes, but at least he has a good excuse. ;)