help me with N64 screen

Probably not. Unless your laptop has a VGA or RCA in its not usable. Bummed me out when I found out cause my laptop had literally just went to flax. :cry4:
You can buy a card that will change analouge signal that the n64 uses over to digital that a laptop screen can use but they are expensive as Heck and not worth it (imo).
Your best bet is either a PSone or other type of game console screen or an ebay 3.5 lcd screen car monitor... The game console screens are the better choice because they come with audio built in.
Read the stickies.. Theyre there to help ya. They tell you what screens you can and cant use, and to find some price worthy options. Hit the other stickies on the other sub-forums as well.

Edit: Bush got to it before me lol
Thanks! I was also wondering if you could use a portable dvd player that has A/V in and maybe solder wires from the AV out of the n64 to the A/V in on the portable dvd. I'm young and this would be a first, but I want to be an electrical engineer so I need to learn basics like soldering :dahroll: .
It says heck cause you have the text filter still on ;)

You can use a portable dvd player with AV in but like a laptop you usually need to leave most of the pre-existing electronics in it. If you find one that you want to use Id ask some of the other members before going ahead and using/buying it.
For honing your soldering someone on here said start on VCRs... i just started on old and broken electronics... like stealing all the LEDs from my cousins broken toys lol
I'm thinking that I might be able to use the batteries and the screen from the pdv0700 portable dvd player and make an n64 laptop. It'll be big and bulky, but what the Heck. It's my first
I've actually watched that about ten times, that's where I got the idea for using the pdv0700.