HELP HELP HELP HELP!!!!!!!! 3.5" Ebay Screen Problem


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The day I received my ebay screen, I tested it and it worked fine. That same day, I took it apart and tested it and it worked fine. Then one day came where I disconnected the ribbon connector from the board so I wouldn't have to drag it around when mounting the LCD in my case. When everything was all done, I reconnected the ribbon cable and tested it, nothing. I disconnected the cable and wiped it off and plugged it in again, still noting. I replaced my battery and once again, nothing. After 5 minutes of wiggling the cable back and forth, the screen turns white, then 2 minutes later, I wiggle it just right and get the video to work. I say "Ok, got it working." unplug the battery connector and leave the room for 3 hours. When I come back, I test it again, nothing. I wiggle the cable for another 10 minutes and finally get the video to appear again. Now, every time I want my screen to work, I have to wiggle the stupid connector. This will not be practical because, my screen will be in my case when everything is done. Help?

I'm surprised no one has replied. There's only three solutions I can think of. First, try cleaning the contacts on both the cable and the connector (the latter might be difficult). Secondly, perhaps do your wiggling trick and when it's in place and working, hot glue it so it can't move (not entirely reliable). Lastly, you could try soldering wires from the pins directly to the connector. I assume it would require some rather precise soldering, but it should be doable.