[HELP]GameCube P audio issues


Active Member
I'm building a GCp. Everything works fine but the sound... There is a static-y noise from my Speakers, which I got from a DS Lite. DS Lite speakers got 2 wires. 1 red and 1 black. I connected black to ground and red to audio left(or right). And when I turn on the GC there is this weird noise.
Before i tried the DS speakers, I tried to build in a headphone jack. I didn't need some speakers, cos mostly I just wear headphones. But from the headphone jack i got the same noise. BTW there is no pot yet. I read it's because there are some pins which werent cleaned correctly. Or is it maybe cos the speakers need also a voltage? And when, which voltage? I really dont know how to fix this, so i hope you can help, cos I want to finish my project fast :D (I will send photos then :D)
My headphone jack:
http://www.amazon.de/Wentronic-Audio-st ... +auf+cinch

Check your wiring.
Also make sure the filter caps are in between your audio lines. Whenever I had static I made sure the audio amp had a direct power line from the regulator. This reduced interference and made it sound much better.
Psiduck are you just wiring the speakers to the GC motherboard? If you are, that's not right. You must have an audio amp in between cause the GC doesn't adjust the volume and doesn't have enough strength to amplify the sound to push through your speakers.
Are you getting normal audio along with the static or just static? If all you're getting is static, you could have a damaged preamp or it's just not getting a high enough voltage.
I would also try another pair of speakers to see if they are causing the issue.
As DuHasst0 noted, you need an audio amplifier in order to (audibly) drive the speakers. If you are connecting straight to the cube you are probably just hearing voltage turn the speaker on.
Look up the Pam 8403 on ebay. Find one with a volume knob and then just attach power and audio, as well as speakers to it and you'll be good to go.
the problem is that my gc died. the rippon cable from the wiikey molt a bit and then the gc turned off and stayed off