I heard of the shield a couple years ago when they released their first model but I thought nothing of it as far as portables go because it didn't really have that much functionality for what is was worth. It was basically just a glorified streaming box with some android games attached to it.
But now with the new shield that came out not too long ago, I think the situation has changed a bit. Basically, the console has the capability to play 7th gen games but with much better frame rate and clarity than the ps3 or 360 could ever hope to have.
Lastly as far as portablizing goes, it looks to have a lot less power consumption and temp management needed than the 7th gen consoles. And it looks like it might just be possible to make it into a true portable as opposed to a laptop.
This is a video of an unboxing done on the shield to give you an idea of its size and its other components. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvMnVqdHjVo
Please reply with your opinion of this being used as a portable. I would really like to know if anyone thinks this is worthy of a portable build or if I should harshly punish myself for ever thinking this was a good idea!
But now with the new shield that came out not too long ago, I think the situation has changed a bit. Basically, the console has the capability to play 7th gen games but with much better frame rate and clarity than the ps3 or 360 could ever hope to have.
Lastly as far as portablizing goes, it looks to have a lot less power consumption and temp management needed than the 7th gen consoles. And it looks like it might just be possible to make it into a true portable as opposed to a laptop.
This is a video of an unboxing done on the shield to give you an idea of its size and its other components. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvMnVqdHjVo
Please reply with your opinion of this being used as a portable. I would really like to know if anyone thinks this is worthy of a portable build or if I should harshly punish myself for ever thinking this was a good idea!