It is entirely possible to replace the DVD Drive with a Hard Drive, CF Card, or simply -- nothing!
I'm going to give an example of how you can acomplish to replace (or rid of) the Xbox's DVD Drive. Normally, the Xbox would throw a fit if you try to turn it on without the DVD Drive (Usually in the form of Error 12). Well, lets change that.
What you need to do is bridge Pin 5 and 6 to Ground and supply 3.3v to Pin 7 on the DVD Drive Power Cable (The connector where the yellow cable plugs into). Now if you simply wanted to have no DVD Drive, you're done here.
However, if you want to replace the DVD Drive with something like a Hard Drive or removable storage such as CF cards, continue reading!
After you do that, get a Molex Splitter and connect the IDE and Molex cables to the appropiate ports on the hard drive or whatever else you may be trying to put in place of the DVD Drive. Now the Xbox will always think that the drive is closed and it will be able to read the new drive if you have a modded Xbox and an appropriate way to access the files on the drive via a File Browser. It should show up as the D:/ Drive in any Dashboard.
Don't blame me if you screw something up or it doesn't work.
I'm going to give an example of how you can acomplish to replace (or rid of) the Xbox's DVD Drive. Normally, the Xbox would throw a fit if you try to turn it on without the DVD Drive (Usually in the form of Error 12). Well, lets change that.
What you need to do is bridge Pin 5 and 6 to Ground and supply 3.3v to Pin 7 on the DVD Drive Power Cable (The connector where the yellow cable plugs into). Now if you simply wanted to have no DVD Drive, you're done here.
However, if you want to replace the DVD Drive with something like a Hard Drive or removable storage such as CF cards, continue reading!
After you do that, get a Molex Splitter and connect the IDE and Molex cables to the appropiate ports on the hard drive or whatever else you may be trying to put in place of the DVD Drive. Now the Xbox will always think that the drive is closed and it will be able to read the new drive if you have a modded Xbox and an appropriate way to access the files on the drive via a File Browser. It should show up as the D:/ Drive in any Dashboard.
Don't blame me if you screw something up or it doesn't work.