Gamecube themed X-box 360 Controller


Well-Known Member
Hey well the title sorta tells everything it is a gamecube themed X-box 360 controller
it has gamecube analogs and this is a first i think i searched youtube and i didn't see anyone that has done anything like this
before so it is a first as far as i know
Anyways it works great i love the gamecube analogs better then the x-box 360 analogs so i replaced them
anyway well here is some pics ... 8764&saved
I love it
I did have to cut the analogs and the analogs holes alot so they would work i did mess up the c analog alot
and i burnt it with my soldering iron abit but oh well at least it works and i am happy for that
You replaced the right analog nub with a gamecube C-stick nub and the left analog nub with a PS analog nub?
no i just replaced the analogs not the nubs the actual analog stick which required lots of cutting to get them to move just right and cutting the hole at the bottom of the analog stick where you take them off and put them on
and i had to cut the hole where the analog moves so the analog sticks could move regularly.
It works like a regular analog stick
That's actually a pretty pointless mod-. All that effort and it only looks slightly different. Of course, this is coming from a guy who didn't really like the sticks on a GameCube controller. I suppose if you liked the GC sticks a lot it would be worth it.
yeah my camera doesn't take very good pics but i really like gamecube analog sticks way better then any other analog sticks but for me it's awesome and totally not pointless alot of my friends like it but then again all my friends grow up with gamecube like me.
I cant see the pictures because you hosted them on facebook and not an image host like a competent individual would. :?
all right here are some pics srry they might be a bit big






i might be able to upload a vid of the controller working and stuff if i can find my sd card
well my camera is just one of those cheap $10 disney camera which apparently doesn't take good pics in a room only outside so i am about to take a couple more pics hopefully they will turn out better
A little rough, but i like it. Are you going to paint the triggers gray and LB purple?
nah i never was good at spray painting buttons
last time i tried the buttons stuck alot
vid is almost done uploading
about 12mins left