GameCube SP Portables on Commission

Re: Portable GameCubes; any buyers?

Right now it's priced at around $450, but beware, that's without the cost of CNC work. I don't yet have those numbers. Of course, if you have a CNC machine of your own, we can work something out too.
Re: Portable GameCubes; any buyers?

okay :D so how much do you reckon it would cost make get the gamecube, the screen, battery and wire it all up without the casing? i want to build the case myself :) ?
Re: Portable GameCubes; any buyers?

Oh gosh, I didn't see you posted a reply... months ago now. The cost would be at about $470 to buy all the parts (except the case) and wire everything, because it's $500 for the whole thing.
Re: Portable GameCubes; any buyers?

This is the first commission, done. It remains matte black, not painted. 5200 mAh of battery life at 7.4v, which amounts to 2 hours and 50 minutes. The internals aren't complete yet, though.

I can't find the right lighting for a picture. But here's this.

Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

if its not too much trouble can i have you post a picture of your internals? I'm curious to see wiring :P
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

The back:

The front:

I don't think I can take a good picture of it completed because that would require taking the two halves apart, but there's not much more to it than this anyway.
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

What are the specs on this particular GameCube Portable? The reason that I ask is I'm thinking of commissioning someone to make one for me? Thank you! :)
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

This is basically what it's comprised of:
-4 2600mAh 3.7v batteries for a total of 5200mAh at 7.4v
-2 1W penny-sized speakers (just generic)
-RDC's digitally controlled low-power amp
-A switching headphone jack
-Internal memory card A
-SDGecko for slot B (with a detection switch on the "sense" line)
-WASP 3 modchip, no discs involved
-320 x 240 3.5" screen, composite video on the display
-AV out via a 4-contact 3.5mm jack (from iPhone)
-2 3DS sliders with replacement PSP slider caps on top
-Official GC action buttons and DPad with mushy tacts underneath
-Official GC controller inside trimmed down to the IC
-White spray painted GC B buttons for shoulder buttons
-Dual tact on each shoulder button
-Original GC female DC plug for wall power
-Five white tact switches on the front, three for video controls and two for audio
-DC charging port
-USB 3.0 port at the top utilizing its 9 contacts to support a 4-player adapter
-Small switch to choose between internal and external 1st player controls
-Switch to choose to run from battery power or wall power
-Adjustable low battery indicator (red LED)
-4 custom regulators inside: 5v, 3.3v, 1.7v (GPU), 1.5v (CPU)
-Popular Thinkpad heatsink with the built-in fan, running on 3.3v
-SL-68 case from Polycase, hand-cut and not painted

I think that's all.
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

Ah, cool deal! :) If I were to commission you to build one for me would it be possible to change a few things for mine? Such as having a full fledged GC Memory Card Slot for Slot B (Not really into homebrew), a full GC AV-Out port, paint the case blue (Close to the color of an official blue GC Controller), paint the left analog stick gray (Close to the color of the analog stick on a GC Controller), paint the right analog stick yellow (Close to the color of the C Stick on a GC Controller), 2 controller ports that are recessed a bit into the case (Only going to be playing with one other person at a time), and X and Y in their respective spots (How they are placed on a GC Controller)? With these changes, how much do you think something like this would be ? Also would they fit in the confines of the case? Thank you again for your time! :)
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

Unfortunately I cannot offer these commissions at the moment due to an inability to do casework. I can offer everything else for about $500 if the case is provided, though.
If the case is intended to be about the size of the WiiU Gamepad, I can see most everything fitting. I'm just not sure how the batteries would fit because it's not very thick.
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

I've seen one of Gman's GC Portable cases that he's used, that is the same length/width as the Wii U Gamepad but is 1- 1 1/2 inches thick. He's mentioned a talented case maker by the name of Downing. You may give that a shot for CnC cases. Hope that helps! Also I'm willing to pay up to $700 for everything! Thank you for responding! :)
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

Well it looks like someone replied to the original topic that I started! I wish you luck in selling your GC Portables! Thank you! :)
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

Great portable. Everyone knows I'm greedtchay, but I think you could get $800-1000 for that portable. After maybe 2 months of inquiries you'd find a buyer. Having a nice video to promote it helps.

I'm really curious, how is your cooling setup? Does it stay pretty cool for extended play?
Re: SL-68 GC Portable Commissions

My cooling setup is nothing ingenious and it doesn't keep everything super cool. It's enough that the portable will feel warm on the outside after about half an hour and it's a little hotter inside. Not enough to hurt anything, though.
Update: 3rd portable complete. Casework was done by Downing.


Here are some rough pics of the inside during construction:


I would gauge 2 hours and 30 min as the standard battery life. Sometimes less, sometimes more, mostly because you can never find the same screen twice and some sure draw a lot more power.
The fixed price now is $625.
Say, would you mind making me a GameCube portable? That black gcp of blargaman is really cool. How much money would you ask so you can mAKe Me one, and maybe one that has a CD drive and ad card slot so I can play games on both. Please reply.