Gamecube soldering mess up


Well-Known Member

While modding the motherboard these two resistors fell off the board. (orange) What should I do to fix? Should I get 33 ohm resistors to replace them, or can i bridge them ect.?
those are caps not resistors...

depending on your trim, you can find the ones next to the serial port connector (BBA)
c94 c95
What would be my best course of action to desolder it and put wires on to it? The pads for one of the caps fell off.
Does the resistance matter on the caps? Because before I solder to the caps I got from another board the resistance said 30ohms but after soldering I either get really higher ohms in the thousands or no resistance at all no connection. Does that even matter or m I over heating the caps with my iron?
Are there other caps on the board I can take? I messed those up on my two spare boards. The two spares have no caps left on the center chip either. Can I borrow from the other three chips or will they not work? Also does radioshack or eBay sell caps of the same type that'd be easier to solder to?
You should be able to find them on eBay. There are some of a similar type on the composite and s-video lines near the AV chip which you can remove. I figure you're not using one or the other for video.
If those caps are just connected to 3.3v and ground, they might not be necessary. But that may not be the case at all.