Gamecube Revolution

Would you ever think of selling this exact portable?
If not would you make just the finished case for a negotiable price?
I would be interested in either one, this is a serious inquiry, you can reach me through PM :3 :tophat:
It's probably not a good idea to post your email in a public forum since spambots will crawl it and bomb your email with a ton of spam.
Zero said:
It's probably not a good idea to post in a public forum since spambots will crawl it and bomb your email with a ton of spam.

Yeah, thanks Zero. Just caught up in the sheer beauty of this build I forgot the rules of the internet :D
I'd sell an unfinshed preform case for far less than a finished one. Casework is 50% or more of the work that goes into this. And my least favorite part to boot.
Ashen said:
I'd sell an unfinshed preform case for far less than a finished one. Casework is 50% or more of that goes into this. And my least favorite part to boot.

How much would the unfinished case be vs a finished case?
That looks professional, i'm planning on doing an xbox 360 wireless visual interface (wireless controller with screen), and i was wondering where i could get a PS1 screen, and can the screen come from a 3rd party. :D
Check ebay for a ps1 screen but they are getting kind of old so you could just use any TFT car reverse camera screen. Or any screen that uses a composite input.
The guy that bought the Revolution from me wasn't a big fan of the 3DS sliders. Changed things up on his request:



Turned out pretty well considering it was done after the fact. :D
Oh ma gawd, i can't even believe you fit normal pots when there was sliders first, was there much space before?

Also, on a more practical note, did he have to pay for this? :awesome:

Finally, its nice to see it held up quite well over time, even though I wouldn't have doubted its quality.
Very neat repair !
lyberty5 said:
Oh ma gawd, i can't even believe you fit normal pots when there was sliders first, was there much space before?

Also, on a more practical note, did he have to pay for this? :awesome:

Finally, its nice to see it held up quite well over time, even though I wouldn't have doubted its quality.
Very neat repair !

Its a Dang tight fit now, but I squeezed em in. I don't ever charge my buyers if they want small modifications like this done after the fact. They pay shipping costs only. I also pretty much warranty my portables for life, so my buyers can rest easy that the initial high price they pay will be worth it if things ever turn sour.

bud said:
I like the way you pulled that off. Think smarter not harder. :wink:

It's so gorgeous and looks so well made. Nice work, Ashen. It's truly one of the best portables I've seen in a long time.