Gamecube powering Guide


Active Member
Is there a gamecube powering diagram, with zenlocs custom regulator and with all the features, like playing of wallpower and stuff, because i cant figure it out by myself and i also cant find something on this website. And do i need something else than battery and the regulator?
i wanna get these batterys ... B00AIOK9BS 3400mAh and 3.6v
Yes it's a DPDT switch, which stands for double pole double throw. It has two positions where the middle poles are connected to the outer poles. In the portable you flip it one way to play on batteries, and the other to turn it off. In the off position you can run it off 12V wall power and charge the batteries.
ah, that makes sense. so if i want to play off wallpower i have to switch it to off and fast insert the wall power cable?
so, correct me if im wrong:

if its off you can charge the batterys and by adding 7,4v from the wall it turns on and the batterys are still charging right? and if its on it will run off the batterys. and when its on and you wanna charge it, it wont? and what happens if its on and you add the wall power?
When it's on the wall power is not connected to anything. When it's off the batteries are disconnected from the console and the wall power is connected. To charge it, you have to put the switch in off position and connect the charger. In off position you can also connect the wall power and the system will start automatically and run from that.
when its off, you can connect the wallpower and it will run from that and at the same time charging it with the charger? im sorry i think thats a bit confusing
This picture can help?
The orange lines are how the switch connects the poles.
In the on position the batteries are connected to the console. In off position the batteries are disconnected from the console. Batteries are connected to the charge port and the wall power port is connected to the console.