Gamecube Layer Info!!!

Joeyjoe9876 said:
Tchay said:
EDIT - as I said in the thread on BH, this board Zenloc is showing is PAL. So, it is slightly different from NTSC rev A boards. It is probably not an issue regarding hidden traces, but I am going to sand an NTSC rev A board just to be sure.

you ever get that Rev. c i sent you working? if not why not just sand that down too so we can find all the traces on that

lol......those pictures ARE your rev c board :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I could not get it to work, so instead of throwing at some old lady, I decided to sand the *Can'tSayThisOnTV* out of it.
double post...bleh

That cut-out you see in my Avatar is a prototype for my slimmed GC motherboard. And I just realized that it will be only slightly bigger than the daughterboard!!! :awesome:

- lets hope this works!