Re: Gamecube Controller Analog Stick Potentiometer and Adapt
Follow the trace(the lighter green line) back a bit, then scrape it lightly with an exacto knife, or a razor, until it is orangeish instead of green.
Use a SHARP and PRECISE blade so that you can avoid hurting the traces. Don't try this with a pocket knife, you'll kill everything. Use a new exacto blade with VERY light pressure.
Alternatively, fold a bit of 1000 grit paper over a sharpened pencil or a needle of some sort and use that to precisely sand the trace. This will take a long ass time, though, giving you more time to mess up or get frustrated.
After doing this, apply some flux to it, then heat it up and melt solder to it (tinning).
Now get a short piece of thin wire, like ide wire, and solder one end to the scraped trace, and the other to the pin on the potentiometer.
If you do this right, it should fix your problem.
RECAP: Solder a jumper from a point on the trace to the pin on the potentiometer