Gameboy Advance 64 WIP


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone! This is my worklog for my 2nd n64p and my 3rd overall portable. This n64 is being built into a gba carry case hence the name. I am basing this portable off hailrazor's n64boy advance and I'm hoping it will look similar to his because his turned out awesome. This is my first post on the forum here and I joined because it looked a very helpful and friendly site.

About me: I started modding video game consoles a little over a year now. I have modded a huge variety of things including xbox 360 controllers, n64, nes, guitar hero controllers, mp3 players, and psps. I'm 15 as of today :) I like music a lot and I play guitar and drum set. My favorite video game is OOT n64.

I have already done a little work on the project but now I'm just waiting for my screen and buttons to come in so I can wrap this up. I had to trim my n64 board a little in order for it to fit inside the case and I successfully completed that and it was my 1st time ever trimming a console motherboard so I'm really proud of myself :) I'm not sure whether I want to paint the case or not. I want to paint it because there are a few scratches and small dents in the case and I would have to paint it in order to fix the imperfections, but the whole point of my buying the case was so that I wouldn't have to do much case work because I'm tired of the hole bondo and sanding process.


Using some left over styrene, I fiberglassed my catridge slot onto the board. It is as hard as rock and it won't budge even a millimeter.



I already cut the cartridge slot hole and the hole for the on/off button.
I have been looking for one of these cases for a wile. if anyone has one they want to sale, send me a pm.
You should look on ebay. Search gba carry case. It takes a while for one to show up but you just have to be patient. I searched for about a month until I found mine.
cool, I searched a few times there, but the quest will require patience, thanks Ill keep looking. and more often.

vary clean looking cuts for the cart.
I did some work on the case. Since my 4.3 inch screen finally came in, I got the dimensions of it and I cut the hole out. It's the first screen hole I've cut that's actually a square! Skill does come in time! I also cut the speaker holes too. The case looks pretty beat up now, but once I put the primer on later tonight, It will look better. The buttons I'm using will come in next week and then I will be able to cut the button holes since I don't know there dimensions yet. I reinforced the plastic near the cartridge slot since I'm fearing that It might snap since it is really thin now that I cut it.




I have done soo much since the last update. I decided to add a dpad so I can play kirby but mostly since I scratched up the writing. I painted it. It will be done within a week most likely unless my board gets fried.

I have been modding my butt off all day to get this thing working because I had issues with the controller and I got pissed off because I bought a superpad just for this portable, it was working fine, but then I couldn't get it to work properly after I trimmed it so resorted to using a board I already have. Basically I waited a week without modding for a stupid controller to come in the mail only to find out that I couldn't get it to work and I ended up using a board that I thought was dead but really wasn't. Anyway, I finished this thing and it is almost flawless! I'm tired from modding all day so I'll take good pictures and a video eventually. Just for now: