Game boy advance sp screens

Hey just getting info to start my first project. Would a screen from a gameboy advance sp work? if so what kinda voltage and amperage would i need, and voltage regulators and all that.

Yes, it should work fine. Anywhere above 100V and as much amperage as you can pump through it should do the trick.


Steam ID: XTChrisTX | Gamertag: XCVGVCX | YouTube: XCVGVCX | Wordpress Blog/Site

YAP64/2 Mini Arcade Project

No, an SP screen WILL NOT WORK! Nothing makes you sound more retarded than asking that! It's the stupidest and noobiest question out there. I hate to be a downer, but take the time and do the research or you will crash and burn.
XCVG said:
No, an SP screen WILL NOT WORK! Nothing makes you sound more retarded than asking that! It's the stupidest and noobiest question out there. I hate to be a downer, but take the time and do the research or you will crash and burn.

Stop spreading false information XCVG! :lol: :p
Okay, so it's theoretically possible to use the SP screen if you use one of those video input cartridges and keep the entire handheld intact. Using just the screen, however, is next to impossible. If you are extremely :awesome: (which none of use are except maybe robm or that Argentinean guy) maybe you could build a driver board.