Full FC 16 Go Wiring Diagram for a Portable

I'm just more concerned about the batteries. Anyway, added nuther pic. It's pretty crude but I'm going to update it soon.
just for the record, my "power board" is simply two regulators stuck to a heatsink, for all intents and purposes. it is nice though.
That's essentially what my second diagram does (just added it today, its in my original post) but you need to step down to get about 3v for the controller. When I update the second diagram I'm going to include the play and charge switch instead of SPST.
not going to use the wireless controller, also i think if i wire the battery to the charger pernamently, it can charge while off using a DPCO switch, since it wont ever be in the right position when a charge jack is pluged in anyway
jut for the record, the entire purpose of this diagram is to circumvent the usage of the massive internal controller board. if you are going to use that, you might as well just wire +5 volts into the charge jack. much simpler.

also i wired my 3.5" (#2) to 7.4 volts, so as to reduce the load on the 7805. i have mine wired like this:

batteries>PCB>charge jack>switch>screen/power board>controls, console.
im thinking of using a DPTT switch for this, so middle postition can be used as off with the charger still connected to the battery, but i cant find one
I've been having difficulty finding DPTT switches also. There are some on digikey but the minimum order is 100 pieces. I found some on ebay but when the finally showed up at my house they were not submini. :( Let me know if you find anything.
you dont need a linking DPTT switch. just wire the charge jack directly to the charge protection circuit. the batteryspace3 chargers put out plenty of power to charge and run the FC16 at the same time.