front lighting gbc/gba


sooooo. im planning on front lighting my gba and/or gbc. BUT i dont want to destroy my sp. so i was planning on using 1 or two leds with their own separate power source and switch. but i need a good way to diffuse the light. i was thinking something similar to the material used to diffuse the light in a gba sp. any ideas?
thanks for the insight :wtf: im sure if i do it right it will turn out ok. im not looking for it to be amazing. just good enough so that i can play it in the dark.
No it will not look okay. It will suck. It's been tried by many. t doesn't work.

TFT screens need a diffusing layer to spread the light over them.
That's what I'm looking for. Something for a good diffusing layer. Other than from an sp. I know just the LEDs will suck. Read my first post again. I've looked around on the Internet for a while and can't find anything. I'll prolly just end up buying a broken sp.
The only thing I can suggest doing is go on Ebay and look for any broken/for parts GBA SP. Or you can find a sh*tty one for cheap off Ebay. Don't forget to use the speaker off the SP for your GBC. It has a better speaker.