First Portable Advice


Recently I bought a Raspberry Pi I (click if you dont know what one is) and I thought to myself:
"wouldnt that look awesome inside a Gamecube"
So I set to work searching for a cheap broken Gamecube but for some reason I was having trouble actually finding broken ones and the ones I did find werent the colour I wanted. So seeing as working ones werent much more expensive anyway I have decided to get one of those instead and it would be such a shame to see a working Gamecube go to waste so I'm going to turn it into a portable console which is why I'm here.

First of all what kind of screen should I use? will one of those cheap chinese car screens that are on eBay be ok or should I use one of these

How hard is it to make it load games of an SD card? I know I need a Wiikey thing but where can I safely buy that? is it a fairly easy thing to install or should I not bother for my first portable? (mostly just want it so I can reduce the size)

What kind of tools will I need other than a Dremel?
What do I need to know about making the actual case for it?
How much money am I likely to need?
Any other tips and advice would be greatly appreciated.

I've never done this kind of stuff but I've looked into it a lot so I'm not a complete noob but if you could explain everything as if I was a complete noob then it would make it easier for me to understand it all.
The cheap Chinese car screens work great for portables.
The Wiikey can ether be easy or hard depending or a few things like how good your soldering skills are, how small the tip of your iron is and if you buy the FFC break out board. Any of the listed official suppliers can safely be bought from. There is one with free shipping I just can't remember which one it is.
For making a portable you going to need minimum a soldering iron + solder and a dremel, But the tools that are recommended are soldering iron + solder, dremel, Multimeter, flux, hotglue/epoxy/superglue and heat shrink tubing/electrical tape.
For making a case check out the case making section/mega-sticky.
The amount of money you need depends, I have one on my workbench that probably only cost me about 150$-200$ BUT it's a piece of crap with a DD and no batteries. The batteries are going to be the most expensive thing in your portable, probably at least 100$.
There is a guide HERE that covers most of the basics.

EDIT: Have some links
Screen is HERE

Heat shrink is here

Hot glue gun and refill sticks HERE and HERE

Multimeter is HERE

Cheap-o soldering iron is HERE

Solder HERE and HERE

Flux is HERE
Thanks for the advice :) I'll probably try to get the best tools I can find because this is something I'd like to do a lot of with other consoles, I've been thinking about it for a while I just always put it off for something else. Now I have the insides of a gamecube lying around waiting to be fiddled with I have no excuse :lol:
I dont think I'll bother with a battery because it's not something I'm likely to take out of the house and my house has plug sockets all over the place anyway